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Saturday, July 24, 2004

So like what is it lately with me and marina boys? All these years I've lived in San Francisco and I've never ever met a marina boy I wanted to date. And now my last two crushes were Marina boys. Cute screenwriting guy lived in the marina, and I had an awful crush on him.

And now as red-headed boy and I are driving throught the Marina on the way to lunch yesterday, he tells me that he used live in the marina and chase girls and hang out in the "triangle". And I'm like "oh my".

But I so miss my red-headed marina frat boy already. He was such a fun, fun crush. He kept telling me not to count him out just yet, and that he would get his act together. And my intuition tells me that he's still in the game, but I don't know. We'll see.

I'm praying and if it's meant to be, it will happen and if it's not, then I'm definitely going to look for his more available twin. I had so much hanging with my red-headed marina frat boy yesterday, despite the fact that he was kind of really breaking my heart. He was so much fun, and he kept making me laugh, and I could be myself and say the things that I say without him getting all freaked out.

And what's interesting is that he's got this interesting habit of telling me everything that he's thinking. So like I don't have to guess, analyze or try to figure him out because he plays with all his card face up on the table. It's such an interesting habit because I don't have an excuse to be bored by him anymore. It was kind of fun to hear all his thoughts and his feelings so willingly thrown at my feet like that. It was all so fascinating and interesting, like kind of looking inside of his head and seeing what's there. I've never had a guy act that way with me before and I really, really like it. I don't think I would ever get bored with someone like him, although it's probably too early to tell that yet.

But someone who plays with all his cards on the table always has a trump card up his sleeve, and that needs figuring it out. What is red-headed marina frat boy's trump card? If he decides to stay in my life, I'll have to work on knowing what his trump card is. I told him we could be friends, but I warned him that I don't really want to get an email a year from now that says "I can't just have a friendship with you without wanting something more." I've been there, done that and I got really, really hurt by it. And I'd like to avoid that experience happening again.

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