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Monday, October 27, 2003

I'm trying to save more money, and it's so hard. I'm like so struggling at 10%, I don't know how people do it.

I'm also going to try and up my 401(k) percentage as well. If I increase my withholdings, I can up my 401(k) percentage and not feel it too much.

I wish I could be like my brother. The man has an empty house, very few clothes and books, very few of anything, but he's got a Scwab One account with $50K in it, and that's just his regular savings. I'm sure his retirement accounts have even more money than that.

He's so cheap on everything except for eating out, travelling first class and collecting antiques and old books. I don't know how he does it. I don't how he lives with so few things, but that's why he's got way more money than I do and he owns his own house.

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