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Monday, October 13, 2003

JC is calling me to service. I just received a call from my church's nominating committee telling me I was nominated to be a deacon.

I was a deacon before, and it was tough. I took it so seriously, too seriously, humorlessly actually, that after awhile I hated doing it.

I never felt like I was doing a great job, although my parishioners said I was doing a great job.

My screenwriting teacher told me I have very high standards for myself, and some of them were very unreasonable. She's right, I do. But I know myself and I've seen myself when I've been very productive.

But maybe I need to change those high standards a little bit, because I also suffer from burnout constantly. I'm productive and then I burn out, and lately the burn out periods are lasting longer than the productive periods.

Maybe it's better that I work constantly, do a little bit every day, and for longer periods of time. Maybe I won't get burn out and feel consumed, and out of balance with my life. I could still have my high standards, but they'll be adjusted for the long haul.

I haven't decided about the deacon thing; it's a three-year commitment. I do feel called to serve, and my church needs more people to be involved right now.

In the past when I've had a lot on my plate, I became very good at scheduling my time. I was forced to because of the activities I was involved in. I'm thinking if I'm forced to become more efficient with my time usage, maybe I'll get better at scheduling time to write.

I have more time now, and I still can't come up with a consistent writing schedule. I'm willing to try anything right now.

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