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Wednesday, December 25, 2002

I'm finally at home checking email, and reading news from far and wide.

On Christmas eve, I went for a steak dinner with a friend to supposedly the best steak house in SF called Harris. They have their own ranch down south, where they get their beef from. I'm not a big steak eater, so it's kind of fun to go out every five years for special occassions to eat steak. Thank god they had petite steaks without bones, for non meat eaters like me.

We had cocktails to start. I had my usual, been drinking it since I was 21, vodka and tonic, and my friend had her newest drink, a Maker's Mark Manhattan. My drink was like 90% vodka and 10% tonic, the kind of drink that makes you sweat when you drink it.

Then we had crab cakes, because after all it is crab season here. They were made fresh and were very, very good. Then the steaks. I had my boneless tiny steak and my friend had some red blood icky giant prime rib thing, that didn't even look cooked, with creamed spinach and some nose clearing horseradish sauce. We split a bottle of very good merlot, and split a cream cheese cake with huckleberries and blueberries. What the heck are huckleberries?

Then it was off to church service, which was short and sweet, and interesting only because I saw a guy from our sister church there. Like what was a guy from our rival church doing at our service, when he could have been at his service? Very, very interesting.

On Christmas Day, I went over to another friend's house and we drank champagne mimosas, watched figure skating, and ate scrummy munchy things all day. We sat down for a late dinner of ham, sweet and regular potatoes, rolls, very good zinfandel and asparagus. Then for dessert, we had applecrisps and coffee with eggnog, and split open these cheesy english cracker things, which I was told are quite victorian. Then we talked about spending a christmas in London so we could have real english victorian crackers, and going to Fortnum and Mason or Harrods for tea.

And now I'm at home stuffed with food, and exhausted from too much eating and drinking.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Merry Christmas to all! I hope tonight you are happy and well! Check out NORAD tracks Santa. It's so cute!

Wouldn't it be nice if we still believed Santa Claus was real? Those were such innocent days.

Monday, December 23, 2002

DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers for 12/23/2002. This is where Rumsey talks about the US fighting on two fronts, Iraq and North Korea. Scary!!!
Short posts for awhile. I'm over my posting limit by a couple of days, I should be at 69% and I'm at 79%. That's why linking is better than copying I guess.