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Sunday, March 03, 2024

Day 60 Bible Reading - Mark 10: 43-44 (ESV)

I read these passages from the Bible yesterday, but I couldn’t figure out what to write about and reflect on, so I had to sleep on it. Below is what I came up with today.

Leviticus 5 & 6, Mark 10: 32-52, Psalm 32

Mark 10: 43-44 (ESV)

“But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.”

Verses 43-44 from Mark 10 stood out for me today. John and James are asking Jesus if they could have close and leadership positions in his kingdom. Many commentaries have noted that Jesus is telling John and James that in his version of the kingdom, the only requirement for leadership is humble service. That to have a leadership position in Jesus’ kingdom, you have to be like Jesus and emulate how humble he was in his life. Ministry is for the benefit of those you are serving, and not for the benefit of the one who is serving. The kingdom of Christ can be so hard to understand for people, because in our normal everyday world we receive something for leadership. We either receive something materially or financially. But in Jesus’ world, leadership comes up what you can give to people. Christ paid the ultimate price for his leadership. We will need to ask ourselves would we be willing to make such a sacrifice for leadership? Maybe not our life, but definitely our pride and ego will need to be let go to serve God’s people.

Friday, March 01, 2024

Day 59 Bible Reading - Mark 10: 15 (ESV)

Leviticus 3 & 4, Mark 10: 1-31, Psalm 31: 19-24

Mark 10: 15 (ESV)

” Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

When I first heard and read verse 15 from Mark 10, I used to think it meant that we needed child-like faith in God. Having faith in God the way a child trusts his father. I believe I have a child-like trust in God. But after reading several commentaries, many biblical scholars believe this verse also emphasizes that children don’t feel that they have to earn everything they get. Children will never refuse gifts out of self-sufficient pride. A child will receive a gift because at their age, that’s all they can do. I like this new way of looking at this verse because as an adult, I do often find it hard to receive gifts. The first thoughts that inevitably run through my head upon receiving a gift are 1) what does this person want? 2) I’m going to have to give them something now just to even out the scales, 3) I don’t deserve a gift ever, and 4) what did I do to earn this gift?” I’m going to have to add the child-like attitude of being able to just receive to my definition of faith.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Day 58 Bible Reading - Mark 9: 49-50 (ESV)

Leviticus 1 & 2, Mark 9: 33-50, Psalm 31: 9-18

Mark 9: 49-50 (ESV)

“For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.””

Some theologians have speculated that fire in verses 49 and 50 from Mark 9 refers to troubles and suffering. But others have said that the fire refers to the Holy Spirit. I like the interpretation of fire being the Holy Spirit. As followers of Christ, we will be salted with the Holy Spirit. But to keep our faith constant and unwavering, we will have to keep the Holy Spirit in ourselves at all times. If we keep the Holy Spirit within us, then we will have always have peace. But I can see why the fire could be interpreted as troubles and suffering. When our faith is tested by troubles and suffering, our faith becomes stronger and we grow closer to God.

Day 57 Bible Reading - Mark 9: 23-24 (ESV)

Exodus 39-40, Mark 9: 1-32, Psalm 31: 1-8

Mark 9: 23-24 (ESV)

“And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!””

When I read verses 23 and 24 from Mark 9, I tried to imagine myself as the father of this child who needed healing. This man had so much belief in Jesus. I don’t know for myself if I would have that kind of belief in someone to heal my child. But the father does say to Jesus, “help my unbelief”, so he did have doubts but he asked Christ to help with his doubts. Christ healed the father’s son, even when it looked like the child had died. I’m trying to imagine what the father thought because the spirit did come out of the child, but then the child was lifeless. The father’s faith was tested again, until Jesus brought him to life. Asking for God to help us with our doubts even if we believe, is probably the wisest thing to do because there are times in our life when our faith will be tested like this father.