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Saturday, August 30, 2003

Below are links to pictures from my cruise sailing down the California coast line to Catalina Island and then to Cabo San Lucas and back.

The Celebrity Cruise ship


More Catalina

Another view of Catalina

Typical Catalina Car - they use golf carts to get around

Cabo San Lucas

A famous Cabo site

A Cabo beach

A little blurry but the famous Cabo San Lucas Arch
I don't why people are making such a big deal about Madonna kissing Britney Spears and Christina Aguillera.

The kisses were sorority girl type kisses, the kind of kiss you have with your girlfriends to have fun, experiment, to tease the guys at a party, or when you've had too much to drink and just want to kiss someone.

Like girls kissing girls was so normal, so standard in college, nobody thought twice, cared or thought the girls were lesbians.

As a society, it seems like our collective minds are in the gutter if people can't be a little too friendly with their own sex and not have people automatically assume they're having sex. What is up with that?
The Christian Science Monitor has a quiz to see if you're a NeoCon; Are you a neoconservative? Take this quiz to find out.

My results were: Based on your answers, you are most likely a neoconservative.


Want the US to be the world's unchallenged superpower
Share unwavering support for Israel
Support American unilateral action
Support preemptive strikes to remove perceived threats to US security
Promote the development of an American empire
Equate American power with the potential for world peace
Seek to democratize the Arab world
Push regime change in states deemed threats to the US or its allies

Historical neoconservative: President Teddy Roosevelt
Modern neoconservative: President Ronald Reagan

Wow, surprising but the questions aren't easy ones and I gave very conservative answers. I thought for sure I'd fall more in the middle, but I guess not. And I so can't stand Ronald Reagan. Teddy Roosevelt I like, but not the actor president, no friggin' way!

I think I need to rethink my american foreign policy views if I end up on a silly newspaper quiz in the same group as Uncle Ronnie. SCARY!!!

Friday, August 29, 2003

So even though I've been warned not to do it, because there are so many predators on line, I signed up for a free trial at a christian singles dating website.

How many predators can there be on a christian singles dating website?

I've never had good luck with these things as far as permanent relationships, but I've gotten great dates out of them.

I didn't even obsess over the writing of my profile, and just zipped through it and posted it along with a some recent pics.

It was fun and it felt evil to do, because I was warned by all my friends to never do it, but what the heck, right?

What's the worse that can happen? I'll get a catholic or a bible banger. Maybe I should have said something about wanting to only date my own denomination, because I'm not switching churches for anyone, unless it's for another presbyterian church that I like and doesn't freak me out.

I watched a history of Martin Luther on TV, and the end, I was like "no wonder I'm not a catholic." I love Martin Luther! He was like so spiritual and so cool. I don't know how anyone can remain a catholic after having watched that show on TV about him.

I told my very catholic uncle in Hawaii about being presbyterian, and he laughed and said "Presbyterian is catholicism without the pope, rome and all the rules." My church has a communion service every other week, and for easter there was a class on confession and lots of people made a confession before Easter. Go figure!

Not even sure I'd switch churches anyway, because lots of people have two faith marriages. Just as long as the person doesn't hold that many opposite views to my own, because then we'd fight alot and that's not fun and not something I would ever put up with for very long.