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Saturday, November 09, 2002

Blogging via email. Written on Saturday November 9 at around 8pm, but this post won't show up till sometime on Sunday.

I'm listening to my new cd, Edgar Meyer - Bach Unaccomopanied Cello Suites 1, 2 & 5, performed on double bass. The music is beautiful, sublime, and heavenly. The cello sounds so melancholy and plaintive and it suits my mood right now.

I just came from a seminar called "Remote Viewing and Spiritual Healing, Experiencing Expanded Awareness." The seminar was taught by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, who cowrote the books, "Miracles of the Mind: Experiencing Non Local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing" and "The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God without Belief".

Russell Targ was great. Targ is a physicist so his part of the seminar was like a mini-lecture on physics and religion. We learned about the EPR effect (Albert Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen 1935) or non-locality , quantum mechanics, Ingo Swann, the Bhagavad Gita, the Patanjali Sutras, and Dzogchen Buddhism. Here's what his bio says. He's a physicist and author who was the pioneer in the develoment of the laser and its applications; and co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation into pyschic abilities in the 1970's and 1980's (x-files type stuff). Targ recently retired from his position as a senior staff scientist at Lockheed Martin, where he developed airborne laser systems for the detection of wind shear.

I never took physics in hig hschool my senior year, and took art instead, but I understood everything Targ talked out. He made physics sound so interesting, that I think I might try and take a physics in the spring if I can find one.

Jane Katra (from her bio) holds a doctorate in health education, and has been a spiritual healer for mor than 25 years. She taught nutrition and health classes at the University of Oregon. Jane was also very good, and I got the feeling that she's a true mission worker. I read somewhere that about 1% of the world's population is on mission from god, and she's definitely one of them. She talked a lot about Christ's healing miracles and the Holy Spirit, and we did a long healing session in class and then we all got to go up to her and have individual healings. I'm not sure if I felt anything, but I know it all helps in some way.

The Showtime Cable people came in at the end and were filming the Q&A session for some documentary, so I may show up on Showtime one day. It's too bad I don't get Showtime, because I'd love to see what Showtime says about all this stuff. I love learning about stuf like this. It's so strange and I think very cutting edge, and I love learning about the new and in things, although Targ said that healings and remote viewing (think Oracle of Delphi) have been around for thousands of years.

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