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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I am loving my new laptop. It has freed my from the tyranny of writing at my desk at home. Now that I used to mind writing from my desk at home because I did start two novels (over 100 pages of typed pages each), wrote over 20 short stories and finished a screenplay all at my desk. But for whatever reason, I can't write at my desk at home. I don't know if it's because I'm in a different place now and I just don't have my desk in the right place to write, or if it's because I just got burnt out from writing at home.

I wrote my mid-term paper on my laptop sitting on my bed and then transferred it to my pc to print. So it's not like I can't write at home, because I can. I just can't write at my desk at home. This is not a good thing for a writer, but with the laptop maybe it doesn't matter.

I'm even thinking it's now time to sign up for i-Tunes so I can download songs into my laptop. But I'm still hesitating. I still like the listening to music in cafes, because sometimes I hear songs that I wouldn't normally listen to and end up liking or I hear sets of songs that I wouldn't think go together but end up being a great set. I'm constantly surprised by the fantastic sets of music playing on the radio sometimes ... everything flows and there's a theme and the beats are the same so when one song ends the other song starts and it's same on the same beat. I've tried to do it and it's very difficult to get it just right. But it would be nice to have tunes on my laptop, so when a song gets stuck in my head I can listen to it a hundred times and write.

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