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Friday, March 01, 2024

Day 59 Bible Reading

Leviticus 3 & 4, Mark 10: 1-31, Psalm 31: 19-24

Mark 10: 15 (ESV)

” Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

When I first heard and read verse 15 from Mark 10, I used to think it meant that we needed child-like faith in God. Having faith in God the way a child trusts his father. I believe I have a child-like trust in God. But after reading several commentaries, many biblical scholars believe this verse also emphasizes that children don’t feel that they have to earn everything they get. Children will never refuse gifts out of self-sufficient pride. A child will receive a gift because at their age, that’s all they can do. I like this new way of looking at this verse because as an adult, I do often find it hard to receive gifts. The first thoughts that inevitably run through my head upon receiving a gift are 1) what does this person want? 2) I’m going to have to give them something now just to even out the scales, 3) I don’t deserve a gift ever, and 4) what did I do to earn this gift?” I’m going to have to add the child-like attitude of being able to just receive to my definition of faith.

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