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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Q-anon on YouTube

Having fun listening to all the YouTube discussions about Q-Anon. Just search for @Qanon on Twitter and read the tweets.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Wow, no posts in 2017 but I was writing. I finished the screenplay I started in 2002 finally, and submitted it to Inktip.

And an odd thing happened. People were reading it and I could feel them reading my screenplay which totally freaked me out. When I feel someone reading my screenplay I pick up their vibration, but not in a detailed way. It is more like a general overview of who they are, like a giant broad brushstroke. And not sure why I am surprised, but I am, but the people reading my screenplay were business types. Hollywood is a business after all, and sometimes not a nice business.

And now I am drafting a second screenplay based on an unpublished novel I wrote a few years ago. And still working on my Elf Chronicles novel, of course. Which I am now seriously thinking of self publishing. Three acquaintances of mine self published their novels and you can find them on Amazon.

So more writing for me in 2018. And hopefully more posting.
Working on my Elf Chronicles novel again.

How do you engineer the destruction of a nation, a realm?
1. Destroy the nation’s unity and divide the people
2. Destroy their history
3. Destroy communications
4. Destroy important and historical symbols of the nation
5. Disrupt the infrastructure
6. Destroy the family structure and separate the parents from the children
7. Create fear.

How do you fight against your aggressors, your invaders?
1. Guerrilla warfare; worked in the south to drive those northern carpetbaggers out, worked in Vietnam, countless other examples, works every time. No civilized country trains their soldiers to fight a guerrilla war, which is unfortunate. And no, the Surge does not work. I read that very long document and it would take unlimited resources. And the Surge is basically a civilized version of guerrilla warfare anyway.
2. Unify the remaining survivors
3. Form alliances with unlikely partners.

How do you keep your soul intact when you need to do everything you’ve been taught not to do to get your nation back from the invaders?
Answer unknown....

Friday, December 23, 2016

To those people who say they have been "awakened" by this Fall's election, just remember this: you have no idea how idea how deep this rabbit's hole goes, once awakened you can never go back to sleep, everyone and everything in your life has an agenda to either lead you on the negative or positive path - it is your choice, right and wrong have no meaning since they are both sides of the same coin, the truth always lies in the middle, the center, and never on the end; now more than ever you will reap what you sow - and the karma is instant and will not take years, only believe what resonates with you and thank the things that don't for helping you to get clarity, and never trust anyone including the media - only trust yourself. Oh and there will be times you are going to wish you had never woken up in the first place because you will get down to your bones why ignorance is a kind of nice prison like bliss.