Note: I misread the bible readings for Day 164. It was Acts 8, and not Acts 9. So I changed the post to reflect Acts 8.
2 Samuel 20-21, Acts 8, Psalm 89: 19-29
Acts 8: 7 (ESV)
“For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out
of many who had them, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.”
Verse 7 from Acts 8 describes the miracles that the disciple
Philip performed in Samaria. I love these descriptions of miracles in the Bible,
especially the ones where the unclean spirits came out. It’s hard to know what
these “unclean spirits” were, and how these people would be diagnosed in today’s
world. All we know is that there was something wrong with these folks that wasn’t
a physical malady and which caused them to be shunned from society. The fact
that Philip was able to heal them from whatever was ailing them and that they
were accepted back into society is the miracle.
I’m not sure if we have the modern equivalent of the healing
of “unclean spirits”, or if we do they are never talked about openly. I’m sure
physical healings are the kind of miracles that people are awed to see, but it
would be fun to see and read and hear about the modern equivalent of an “unclean
spirit” leaving a person.