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Saturday, August 01, 2009

I was on the bus the other day thinking how fun it would be to write a handbook of lessons from a temple in Egypt. All fictional of course, because I don't any such book exists. I had a psychic tell me that I was a high priestess in the Temple of Sekhmet. She is a lot like the hindu goddess Kali, except much more primal and more more deadly. She is depicted as having the head of a lion, and was the most feared of all egyptian gods and goddesses because she was only called on to bring destruction and thus transformation.

I wrote the following on the bus this week.

Lecture notes for Level 4 Initiates from the temple of Sekhmet. These teachings are taught to all Level 4 initiates in all the temples, but it is a specialty of the Temple of Sekhmet.

How to read a person's past lives.

When a baby is first conceived, there is no soul yet present in the baby's body. The soul can enter at any time from conception to three months. The entry point of the soul is the chakra point in the back of the skull. (this is like in the movie the matrix when you get plugged into the matrix). This chakra point is also the exit point of the soul. The chakra point becomes a depository for all past life memories of the soul because the soul has to bring in the past life memories into the new body to fulfill obligations of karm.

Most people do not know abou this entry point. Once a soul enters the body the chakra point is sealed, but after years of soul neglect the the seal will erode letting past life memories leak out.

The reading of a person's past life is a simply a matter of being able to go that chakra point and read the memories that are leaking out.

A skilled reader of past lives does so without the person being aware of it, and once mastered a person can walk into a crowded street and sift through the memories of everyone there when on is specifically looking for information. Of course, reading a person's past life as entertainment borders on evil and is punishable perhahps not by death but something clsoe to it. The gods themselves strictly prohibit the reading of past lives for entertainment purposes only. One only is allowed to read past lives when one is the process of healing someone or specifically researching information on past worlds.

One must remember that human history is made up of the collective memories of the community and that reading one past life does not give the full hsitory of the civilization at that time. You only see the history of the time from that person's point of view. For thorough research, one needs to sift through the collective memories of as many people as possible.

The lessons for reading a person's past life shall comprise of the following:
1) become psychically aware of a person's chakra point
2) how to sift through the images that are coming from the chakra point to come up with a comprehensive history
3) how to recognized when past life memories are blending into each other
4) tips for getting the essence of any one life
5) how to read a person's past life memories without the person being aware of it
6) how to sift through the memories in a room full of people to gather what you need for your research project

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Okay, I am so over Season 8 of American Idol. First of all, the Danny Gokey haters just completely turned me off. Personally, I think people hated him because he was a church music director. People need to get over their childish hatred of religion, and forgive their parents for shoving religion down their throats with a shovel.

Then there was the "Adam Lambert" is a rock god. OMG! If he was such a rock god, why hasn't he been discovered yet? Don't you think there are scouts out there getting paid bucko bucks looking for great talent? I mean, Adam is a professional singer. HELLO. He did musical theater was in a couple of LA-based broadway musicals. If his dang voice was so great, why hasn't he been discovered? I will tell you why. Because his voice is not that great and it's not that commerical. He's a screamer, and if you're just listening to his songs on your ipod or music machine of your choice, that screaming ain't all that great to listen to when you are bopping thru life.

And I'm sorry, but I thought American Idol was supposed to be for amateurs. Alot of singer's dreams is to sing in a broadway musical, and Adam is already living that dream. Adam is just like David Archuleta who had won some star search contest. I hate that the AI producers put someone with that much stage experience next to the "real" amateurs. Is it any wonder Adam showed everyone up when he had the most stage experience.

Danny was my sentimental favorite. He was one of the few singers who sang with any heart, and when he sang I could feel the emotions in his voice. That is some powerful stuff. I didn't get that from any of the other singers, and never ever from Adam who sings great and is flashy but I never really felt his emotions in his voice.

Danny's problem was he wasn't that creative with the songs. Compared to Adam and Kris, the man looked positively lazy and was often inconsistent in his singing and song choice.

Kris on the other hand, always pushed the envelope. He played it smart, and reminded me so much of a quieter, not so scruffy, not so edgy David Cook. David Cook won last year because he tooks risks with songs, and kept getting better every time. Kris is in the final because he kept getting better and ended up being more consistent than Danny.

Kris was smart though, keeping quiet, keeping to himself and never letting himself get caught up in all the hype. Danny, I fear, got caught up in all the hype and I think felt the pressure of being a presumed finalist. No one on AI, as past seasons have shown, can be a presumed finalist.

This season reminds me so much of last season, when the judges were practically pushing for David Archuleta to win. I was so glad when David Cook won, as it was such a vindication after Chris Daughtry was voted off the season previously.

But it will all be over in a week, and only time will tell where the AI winner will be a few years. Jennifer Hudson didn't make it very far in AI, and I think she seems to be most the successful AI person with her oscar and her new album and all that exposure. Carrie Underwood, musically, is probably the most successful AI person in the country music world, with Chris Daughtry and Kelly Clarkson a close neck and neck second in the pop music world. I never did get into Clay Aiken or Ruben Stoddard but own singles from Jordin Sparks and Katherine McPhee.

I guess I am truly an american after all, because I am rooting for the underdog Kris Allen only because I absolutely hate that people have said AI is a lock for Adam Lambert. This is an amateur singing contest and I want the amateur rather than the seasoned professional to win. I want that damned american dream fantasy that is American Idol, that a person can come out of nowhere and become a star. I don't like the bankster is already rich and needs a bailout vibe of Adam Lambert. The american dream seems to fading economically for many in our country, but why does it have it fade on the unreality of American Idol.

Don't bail out the banksters with more money on American Idol by letting Adam win. He's already living a singer's fantasy by singing in musicals, he doesn't need a handout/bailout on American Idol. Let the guy who came out of nowhere, and whose only singing experience for heaven's sake, is singing in a church. Bail out the real American working man, vote for Kris Allen.

Friday, April 03, 2009

My friend S and I did a 2.5 hour channeling on Wednesday. Channelings are very interesting, in case you haven't been involved in a session. All kinds of strange and fantastic information comes through. I told her we needed to tape it because it would be so hard to remember all of it.

One of interesting things we saw was images of Egypt, ancient Egypt. At one point, S said a being was showing her the sun, and rays emanating from the sun with a man underneath. It took us awhile to figure out this was the mythical RA being, who has been written about and channeled by other people.

So here's what came out in the channeling. RA was married to this woman under Eygyptian law and they had children, but he seemed to have also fathered other children with other women as well. He was trying to create a super race of beings, all with his DNA, which meant the children would have great powers, great psychic ability, etc.

RA wanted to bring monotheism to Egypt, but we saw that Egypt and the human race was not ready to monotheism. RA's heart was in the right place, and we got that RA's heart is always in the right place, but it was too much too soon. RA wanted his psychic children to serve in his temple, and bring all the different gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt under him. RA thought that by having one god, all the fighting between the various people who served in the different temples of gods and goddesses would stop. I mean, it was a noble idea.

But RA's wife, whoever she was, stopped him. RA's wife, companion, whoever that woman was, knew that the world wasn't ready for monotheism. Some of his children were not suited to serve in the RA temple, and were more interested in serving in the temple of Anubis for example. She knew that if she allowed RA's plan to go through that some of the children, and they weren't all hers, would be so unhappy in the RA temple and would probably kill themselves or rebel and overthrow RA just to get out of the temple.

And this she couldn't allow. She loved RA, despite all the other women, despite the fact that she was expected to mother all of his children, even in they weren't her own, she loved him. We weren't sure if she loved in the sense that "love" is used now in the modern sense, but "loved" in a more ancient sense meaning she wanted to obey because 1) he was her husband, companion, mate; 2) he was head of the temple, king, dynasty; and 3) he understood her, he got her and despite his other behaviour valued her above all women.

So she forbade RA to keep all the children at his temple, and when the children were five years old, she "sorted" them and distributed them around to the various temple where they would go to mystery school and become priests and priestesses in the various temples.

So my friend S, who was doing the reading with me, was a daughter of RA who wanted to serve in the temple of Anubis. And RA cursed her because she was the most gifted of all his children, and he wanted her to be the head of the temple after his death. But S refused and rebelled, and we saw that head of the temple of RA had always been male and never female.

We kept trying to find out why RA would allow his wife/companion to stop him, and the only answer we could come up with was because his wife/companion was as powerful as he was, and he knew that she protected him and he needed her protection.

We saw that if RA had gotten his wish for monotheism, that the Egyptian culture would not have lasted as long as it did and would not be influential as it is now centuries later. By keeping polytheism in place, RA's wife/companion preserved the Eygptian culture for generations to come and ensured that the fascination for all thing ancient to do with ancient Egypt would continue to fascinate people through the end of time.

Interesting, huh? You never know if what you see or hear in these sessions is true or not. We saw how emotional RA was and how he kind of still was mad at his wife/companion because she never supported him. My friend S said that RA kept his wife/companion busy at the temple so she had to sneak out to see them. S thinks that RA deliberately prevented his wife/companion from seeing the children as his way of getting revenge on her.

But even if RA's wife/companion couldn't see the children in person, they were all psychically linked and she had taught them to contact her mentally which all the children did. So RA's wife/companion knew what was going on with her children at all times, and the children showed her mentally what they were learning so she learned everything they learned. And RA's wife/companion knew how to call the spirits, something which RA couldn't do.

We saw the timeline of RA's temple from beginning to end and that to be head of the temple you had to be a direct descendent of RA and carry his DNA. We also saw a staff that the head of the temple had to possess. The highpoint of the RA timeline was in the middle, but by the end of the temple days, head priests didn't necessarily have to have RA's DNA to be the head of the temple. Getting to be head of the temple was very competitive. Everything about RA's temple seemed to be very competitive since they had not yet learned to serve the light or source and there was alot of human ego involved.

I need to research all this stuff to see what other channelers have said and if there are any parallels in egyptian history.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm starting up writing again. But it's just so depressing. I feel like I am climbing up this huge, huge mountain and I have no idea how am I going to get up to the summit. But there's this something inside of me that says I need to keep slogging away and that it doesn't matter whether I am successful or not; the point is to keep trying.

THIS IS HUGE FOR ME! I like being successful. I have been very successful in my own way at so many things. I hate this. It's like the first time I got a C in college. Talk about shocking. I mean I got a C in art class, but that was because I couldn't draw. Getting that grade was a huge wake up call, and I never got a C again ever. I hate failure! It sucks!

Writing is such a huge process. The writing of anything is such a process. I just submitted three writing pieces for the self-published book that my writing group in Carmel wants to put out, and they were so hard to write. I felt like I was leaving pieces of my soul on the page. When I read each piece out loud to edit, I thought I was going to cry. I could hear the pain in my words, the sadness. I was reliving my own memories by reading my own writing.

And I hate getting emotional. I'm an aquarian, and I have five planets in aquarius, which means I am air sign. NO EMOTION. Emotions are weird, they are what other people have, and there I was having them.

I feel like I am back in acting class when I wrote my monologue piece, Art is Scary. The exercise was to write what we felt about our art, and I wrote "art is scary because he makes me do things I don't want to do." I left acting because I couldn't lay my soul bare on stage without a lot of work, without completely letting go. And I could let go, and I did let go, but it was so tiring, and honestly, I didn't know if I could do it night after night on stage like how you are supposed to do in acting.

So I went to writing because my acting teacher told me I could let go easier on the page than I ever could on stage. But I don't know if he was right. It's hard to let to go, and writing is way worse than acting because if you write every day it means having to let go every day. And some days I'm just way too tired to let go. Letting go taxes not only my brain but makes me get emotional, and I'm not supposed to be an emotional person.

I just got something. Okay, I'm not a normally emotional person but I understand how and why people get emotional and I'm thinking I can use this understanding somehow and translate it into my writing. There is something here for me which I have to explore.

I am just rambling now and indulging in a little, okay maybe more than a little self pity. BOO HOO for me, poor struggling writer. Thank god I've got a semi-decent job so at least I don't have a lot of economic stress in my life. Or maybe I'm just a lazy git and I just so hate writing every day. It's like exercising every day. Sometimes I'm in the mood to do it every day and sometime I'm not. Writing is getting like exercise for me. Sometimes I'm in the mood and sometimes I'm not.