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Saturday, February 25, 2006

I went to a Learning Annex class last Thursday given by a New York publishing agent. I went with my new friend from work, who I found out is also a writer. The seminar was so informative. The agent said that at publishing house grades a writer on how well they execute the idea of what they wanted to write about. I never thought about writing this way before, but it makes so much sense.

You have an idea for a story, and the story is the written form of making the idea come to life with characters and a plot. It's like problem solving. How do you get from point to A to point B in the most entertaining and logical way possible. Problem solving is what I do for a living because it comes easily and naturally to me. If I think about writing my stories this way, I think the process will become easier. I was thinking I could ask myself at the end of each chapter, did I execute well the idea I wanted to get across in the chapter or at this point in the story. If the answer is yes, then the chapter is finished. If the answer is no, then I know the chapter needs work. Each chapter and even the plot can be run through the same process. Does the plot and each chapter execute the story I want to tell. I think I could even think about my characters using this process as well. Does my description and the actions I have the character take execute the idea I have for the character and type of person the character is.

I am excited by this new idea of story writing. It makes sense to me and it gives me confidence in my story writing, because I know I'm a good problem solver. I've been told I'm very good at problem solving at all my jobs, and if I can just transfer this business/job skill into my writing, I think I will be in good shape.

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