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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

New idea for a story - Containment of Non-Human Female Subject by CIA/NSA Joint Task Force

Communication to CIA / NSA Joint Task Force Regarding Non-human Female Subject:

After the Burbank Airport incident in 2009 when a team of remote viewers were killed during a routine surveillance operation, containment of Female Subject was achieved and the situation was in control.

A joint operation in 2017 with Mossad to place a operative / handler in Female Subject’s life to enhance containment failed. Mossad operative was not able to complete the operation due to family situation. Intel showed that Mossad operative was too emotionally involved with the female subject, and was not able to commit to a plan of removal if required.

During the last four (4) weeks, the situation became volatile when Female Subject displayed hitherto unknown abilities. Female subject unleashed a spectral pack of dogs and jackals to surround and protect POTUS and various members of POTUS counter coup team.

Spectral dogs and jackals are able to sense danger, and warns “feelers” surrounding POTUS. Jackals have demonstrated abilities to communicate with electronic and computer equipment to compromise and/or disable if needed for protection. Spectral dogs and jackals cannot be controlled, and while useful in protection of POTUS their inability to be controlled poses multiple threats.

The only conclusion that can be reached at this time is that the female subject subject is no longer contained and under control. Emergency steps have been taken to place a second handler in Female Subject’s life. After a week in operation, Female Subject has displayed abilities not previously accounted for during the lifelong surveillance.

Operation Second Handler will continue, but we are recommending the need for a more comprehensive plan of containment. In order to move forward, we need to ensure that there are no roadblocks and that Operation Second Handler has been cleared through all levels so there is no interference from Female Subject’s family.

When clearance has been authorized, we will convene a strategy containment meeting.

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