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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Normie in shock at Ed Dames Conference

When I was at Major Ed Dames’ remote viewing workshop last September and we were sitting in a group talking after the event, there was a normie woman there asking really basic questions. Poor Ed Dames had to constantly stop and explain something to her that everyone in the group already knew. It was very annoying and made me think we were all back in school and there a “special” kid in our class.

I wanted to have compassion for the poor normie lady because what was all common knowledge to the group was so new to her. And I can see if people aren’t able to get up to speed quickly, they are going to get left behind. The cognitive dissonance will be too much and too painful, and things will be moving too quickly to slow down to explain things to the normies.

And it’s not that I don’t think that people can’t get caught up, but it is the cognitive dissonance, having to give up beliefs, and having to admit to yourself that you are wrong. And If you haven’t ever had the experience of giving up your beliefs and admitting you may be wrong about how you think the world works, then I don’t know how the normies are going to get through the next 15-20 years.

The normies are going to have to split off into another world, like how people split their personalities to deal with horrible trauma in order to survive. It’s probably better this way for them to survive since a mind can only take so much trauma before it will choose death.

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