Genesis 27 & 28, Matthew 10: 32-42, Psalm 10: 1-11
Matthew 10: 34-36 (ESV)
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.
I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man
against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law
against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own
Verses 34 through 36 from Matthew 10 shows Jesus talking
about what it means to be his follower. If a person makes a commitment to follow
Christ, they may find that they will come into conflict with their parents,
other relatives, and even their friends. Loved ones and friends may not
understand a believer’s commitment to Christ and may try to sabotage the
relationship with God. I think that is why Jesus told his disciples he did come
to earth to bring, but to bring a sword. Faith in Christ may cause division,
and Jesus wanted to forewarn his followers of what was to come. Faith may
become like a sword that cuts through the relationships that families have with
each other, especially I think when it comes to following God’s laws. The “sword
of faith in Jesus Christ” is even more relevant today when people who follow
Christ and Biblical principles are mocked and ridiculed in movies and in mainstream
media. But the rewards that come from being a believer in Christ are so great,
that a Christ follower must stand their ground and not be ashamed to have a committed
relationship to Jesus Christ. If we are faithful to Christ and Biblical laws,
we are guaranteed to have a miracle filled life from now and into eternity.
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