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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

2023 Updates

 Wow, it's been awhile since I've blogged. So many things have happened. Where to begin.

I finished a novel, yeah me! The novel is tentatively titled "Escape from Atlantis." Here's the concept for the story:

A slave girl in Atlantis must find a way to leave the capitol with her daughter before it sinks into the ocean.

When I was taking screenwriting classes for two years, I learned how to do a certain type of editing, so I am using for the novel. There are 12 steps you go through for editing, and I'm on step 7. Writing was easy compared to the editing because you have to look at every aspect and element of your novel one by one, and I think it makes for a better novel. You work on the structural things first and then the fun stuff like the descriptions. This is my first time using this way of editing, but I really like it. 

But working on the editing of this novel every day is hard, so as a way of distraction, I am plotting out my second novel. It's been jelling in my brain for a year, and yesterday I finally figured out who the antagonist was going to be in the story. 

My second novel idea is tentatively titled "Love in the aftermath." Not too happy about the title right now, but I know it will change. Here is the concept:

The last Lemurian princess is forced to go on the run with a wizard monk  to escape the Atlantean prince who wants to wipe out all traces of Lemuria from history.

Some folks are convinced that Japan was part of MU or Lemuria, so I am setting the story in northern Japan on the island of Hokkaido. This elfen Lemurian kingdom is one of the oldest and most rural of the Elf Kingdoms, but they hold many of the relics and treasures of MU and its history. After the war between Mu and Atlantis, the Atlanteans wanted to wipe out all traces of Mu from history, which is the background for the story.

What else....

I've also joined a reading the bible in a year group, which has been most rewarding. So I've been thinking I would blog about what I learn in my bible reading. I'm nearing the end for this year, but I'm thinking of posting every day to see if I like doing it. I also see it as a way to force myself to blog every day. But we'll see how it goes. I want to get back the excitement I felt in the past about my blog. 

So stay tuned. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Past Life Memory with Elf Man in Lemuria

 Free writing about my past life memory with Elf Man which I am structuring into a novel. For now, my novel is tentatively titled "After the battle between Atlantis and Lemuria". Not the cleverest of titles, but it reminds me of the past life memory that I am drawing on to write this story.

I was thinking of writing the story from the female character's point of view, but this is what I am getting in a free write on this topic.

"I can see four parts and this story told in different points of view. But I like her writing it first, and then maybe to get his point of view in, she will find his journals and include the parts of his diary that he left. She will cry a little because he only wrote about what she didn’t know about as if he knew that she would be left alive and recording their lives. She sees a note to this affect and reflects that she knew how much he loved her, but she is always surprised by the depths of his love and what he sacrificed for her. She loved him but she knows deep down she did not love him as deeply as he probably loved her. He writes that she was the joy that he was promised as a boy when he took up the magical arts, a joy that came late in his life and one that he knew would come with a price. A price that he knew he would gladly have paid over and over again. Their years together had been his joy, his only joy, in his dark life."

I was sobbing when I wrote this - past life memories should never hurt this much....

Monday, July 11, 2022

Moving to AZ

 I updated my description. I moved from SF to Phoenix Arizona.

My intuition told me to move in 2012, but it took me awhile to say goodbye to San Francisco. I finally moved in 2019, and my intuition told me I would know why in a few months.

Then COVID happened, and it seems to have destroyed the city I loved so much. Nothing seems to be same there. The crime is up further, and all the fun free stuff to do does not exist anymore. 

I'm glad I was there when it was a fun place to live. But I am so happier where I am now. Life is slower here, easier, and there are still interesting things to do.

There is great art, great fun experiences, great places to visit, so I'm happy I moved. 

2022 Update

 I can't believe my blog is still around. I sort of half expected Google to get rid of it, but it's still here.

I am still writing. I've written 3 screenplays, only to find out screenplays are not my thing. I loved taking the classes. I love how screenplays are structured and I found a teacher who I resonated with and took several classes from that organization.

But screenplays are hard, too hard for me. I'm not a visual person. I thought I was, but not enough to tell a story as a movie. Learning to write a screenplay was a fun detour, but now I am back to novels and novelas. 

I am working on novela from my past life memory with Elf Man. I wanted to explore that story more. I think it's a novela and not a novel. I am plotting it out like a screenplay, but it will be a novel. 

I will be using the 4 act structure. I really like that past memory, and it will be the opening. A dying woman who is writing down her life story as she is dying. 

So the 4 act / part titles are: 

1. Love is sudden and convenient.

2. The Hunt is on.

3. To be free you need to leave your life behind.

4. Love can overcome everything except for death.

It makes me cry to plot this story,  to think of this past life memory, but maybe this is why I have a hankering to write it down. No one should experience this much sadness from a past life memory. It's like I have a window into that life and it's intersecting with my present life, and my tears are the bridge that keeps this past life portal open.

I will post more at the story progresses.