Day 332 Bible Reading
Proverbs 29: 1-9
"He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck, will suddenly be broken beyond healing.
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
He who loves wisdom makes his father glad but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.
By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts[a] tears it down.
A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet.
An evil man is ensnared in his transgression, but a
righteous man sings and rejoices.
A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man
does not understand such knowledge.
Scoffers set a city aflame, but the wise turn away wrath.
If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only
rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."
For me The Proverbs have always been interesting. They seem to be rules for how to be happy in the world, how to live a "Godly" life. Do this and this happens, do the wrong thing and this happens.
For me, the value of Proverbs is that I often see myself as the person doing the things you're not supposed to be doing. And I'm like, duh, if I had just remembered the proverbs telling me not to the wrong thing, then X would not have happened. And yes, I often do the good things that Proverbs tell you to do but I don't remember them as well as I bad things I've done. I am thinking when I do one of the good things that Proverbs tell you what do, I need to write it down so I remember them. And when I feel I'm always doing bad things, I can look back on my notes and remember that most of the time I do the right things, and it's only once in awhile I do wrong things.