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Monday, January 28, 2002

I'm trying to buy a mini laptop for myself on Ebay because I'm finding it hard to just sit down at my computer and write. I could write by hand, but it's more efficient to type directly into a document.

I thought bidding on Ebay would be easy. I've bought three items in the past and didn't have a problem with being outbid. I was outbid once, but then I found the exact same item and bought it for a cheaper price. But my buying binge on Ebay was in 1999/2000. Things have really changed since then.

I was outbid for the first mini laptop, but I didn't care because when I emailed the seller for information, he told me that he bought it used. Twice used is never a good thing in my book. There wasn't another similar item to bid on, so I went to my second choice. I thought I was about to win the item, when five minutes to the end, someone starting outbidding me and in the end, I lost by $5. I was devastated because I had spent the whole day Saturday online to make sure that I wouldn't be outbid. I had to some serious soul searching about why I wanted the item and how money I was willing to spend on it. I mean, it's not like I don't have the money to buy one, but I have a budget in mind for what I want to spend and I was intent on sticking to that budget.

Today at work, I decided that I wasn't bidding the right amounts for mini laptop choice #1 and #2 and that's why I was losing. I decided to use a straight three year depreciation and since the two mini laptops I wanted came out in December 1998, I would pay 1/3 of the retail selling price plus tax. This new calculation considerably upped the amout I was willing to spend, but I am convinced that my new way of pricing is fair and should work to my advantage.

I think bidding on Ebay for popular item is kind of like poker. You can't show your hand too early. I also think that I need to be willing to bid for an item at the last minute with my maximum price to assure my chances of winning the item I want. I can't believe that I am plotting such a complicated strategy to bid for an item on Ebay but hey, if I want it, I've got to plan a strategy to get it, don't I?

The problem with the mini laptop market is there aren't very many manufacturers in this market, so there's not alot of incentive to make less expensive units. As it is, the two units I want, the LG Phenom Express and the HP Jornada, have both been discontinued. I've only ever seen the LG Phenom Express because a friend of mine has one. I've never even seen the HP Jornada but it's two inches wider than the Phenom, so I can only assume that the bigger keyboard would be easier to type on.

I just bought Julia Cameron's book, The Right to Write, and she says you have to have different stations where you can write. I'm hoping that a mini laptop will do the trick for me. I want to get this all wrapped by the end of January and I just hope to god, there's a mini laptop out there on Ebay with my name on it.

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