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Monday, September 12, 2005

M-Square knows I have a blog, but he doesn't know the address. He promised me that if he ever ran across it he would tell me. And when that lovely day happens, I probably will have to stop blogging about him and our relaitonship. If I knew he was reading my blog, I wouldn't write anything about him. I would feel like I had to censor myself and I don't want to do that.

Maybe my friend Jon was right when he told me "never tell potential loves that you have a blog." They'll just read it and get freaked out. So far M-Square hasn't talked about my blog in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping he's forgotten I even have one, although that's unlikely because the guy totally remembers everything I've ever told him. He did promise to tell me, but I wouldn't blame if he kept that little secret to himself so he could read what I think about him.

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