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Monday, August 11, 2003

I hate the whole recall election. What a waste of money and time. I'm going to vote No on the recall, but just in case vote in Cruz Bustamante.

Arnold "The Terminator" is a joke. He knows nothing about politics, and he's only running now because no way would he even be endorsed by his own party. I so agree with Rush Limbaugh on Arnold.

Chris Matthews on "Hard Ball" used to always quote someone in politics as saying "All politics is local". So with that, I'm going to concentrate on the city and county of San Francisco mayoral election.

Now that Matt Gonzalez has thrown his hat in the ring, he almost guarantees the election of Gavin Newsome to become the next mayor of San Francisco.

Newsome is the only centrist candidate running, and everyone else is running to the left of him. Gonzalez will split the left wing vote, and Gavin will win. YEAH!!!

What galls me about the current crop of San Francisco mayoral candidates is politically stupid they all are. They remind me of the how the media totally misjudged the whole Clinton/Lewinsky scandal.

Most of the general public, me included, totally did not care about Clinton and Lewinsky getting on. That was between him and Hilary, not us. And I'm so sure Clinton was the first president to bag an intern. Come on, get real people! I still remember the Senate page boy scandals of the 80's, or have people forgotten that married senators were getting it one with pages of both sexes. Talk about adultery times two.

It was the media and the right wing conservatives who kept whipping up the issue to death.

The majority of the left wing mayoral candidates in San Francisco, in the same way, are misjudging the San Francisco electorate. We're not all left wing as the media makes us out to be.

There's been a slow but steady gradual movement to the center and in some cases to the right. It might be feel like the center or the right to anyone outside of the city limits of San Francisco, but it is for someone who lives here.

Witness the passage of the Newsome's homelessness initiative. That thing won hands done in almost all districts except in I think three left wing bastions.

San Francisco is getting conservative. In fact, all of California is moving towards the middle and to the right. Why don't the San Francisco politicians see this?

And the fact that they don't get the swing in voter sentiment, tells me that they don't pay attention to the city as a whole, but to themselves and to their very small constituencies. And that is what's so wrong about San Francisco politics, and is so illustrative of what's wrong with the democratic party in general.

Oh well. They'll figure it out come election time. I think Newsome will win by wide percentage, and the left wing strategists will be deer caught in the headlights.

The party of "the people" can't even figure out how people are voting. The party of the people totally buy into their own BS, their own dogma so much, they can't see anything else. And that's sad.

And it's so symptomatic of the left as a whole, like those left wing professors who believe that their truth is the only truth and only teach their side of the issue. What stupidity! And it's such bad karma too, since to deny the reality of another's truth is wrong no matter which side of the political spectrum you're on.

Do you want people running government who are that out of touch with the electorate in the first place? I think not.

It's not that people don't want social justice and social programs and all the good things that the left has come to stand for, it's just that you can't just have ideology and good intentions and bankrupt yourself as well. It just doesn't work in the real world that way, at least not now with the economy the way it is, and I think will be for the next few years.

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