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Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I've think I've seen Mars in the wee hours of the morning. I've been having trouble sleeping, and often get up to go to the bathroom. I leave my shades open at night so I can look up at the stars from my bed, and I've seen this really bright orange ball these last few nights.

I hate when I can't sleep. I know when I'm sleeping well because I sleep straight through the night, and don't dream. The only good thing about not sleeping well, is finding out how much I really dream and how fantastic they really are.

I've been dreaming some wild dreams, which I think is a good thing because that's supposed to mean my subconscious (or is my unconscious) is working things out and doing what it's supposed to do.

I've heard the best way to torture someone is to not them dream. You wake them just before rem sleep so they don't drean. And when someone doesn't dream, they slowly go insane because their subconscious (unconscious) can't work things out. I never really understood what your subconscious has to work out, but apparently it's got to do it or you go nuts.

In the last James Bond movie, the korean guy who got a face change couldn't sleep because of the change. He had have a special machine so he could at least dream if not sleep. I think he even said, if he didn't use the dream machine, he'd go insane.

It's been foggy lately, so I'll probably miss the big Mars show tomorrow. I wonder what it will mean for the world that Mars is so close to earth. All the astrologys sites are saying that things are going to happen tomorrow, because this Mars event is such a once in a lifetime kind of thing. I hope that whatever happens, it's a good thing.

My favorite futurist said that WMDs will be found in a valley on the border between Syria and Iraq next month. He predicted that when WMDs are finally found in Iraq, it will so shock the world and will destroy the democratic party. He's a cali born republican, so he might be just a little biased.

I've always believed that Iraq possessed WMDs, and it was just a matter of finding them. Iraq had a history of WMDs from previous weapons inspections, and it just didn't make any sense or seem logical that they would give up the program so easily. People or countries don't change that easily, especially when the change is imposed because they lost the war.

I mean, what better reason to develop WMDs. Your country lost a war, you're bitter and you want revenge. It's simple, it's human, it's common, it's logical and entirely plausible.

What's unbelievable and not very human is to just give up and die, and be a happy defeated country. The only times that's ever happened is when the country was bombed to hell and completely destroyed. In Iraq's case, Bhagdad was left intact.

Only time will tell. But if WMDs in Iraq are found, what happens to all the people and the countries who said they weren't there. What will this do their credibility?

The futurist also predicted that the US would invade Syria because of the WMD find. I hope not. We don't need any more of our soldiers killed.

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