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Saturday, August 23, 2003

My last post about working with men in corporate america stirred up some comments, especially about men in positions of power. I don't think it gets any better with women in power.

That same company had a female CFO, whom everybody was afraid of. She was the nastiest women, and chewed anyone over anything and people left her office crying. She got away with being really nasty simply because she was a woman.

I had a couple of confrontations with her myself, and I stood my ground and she never chewed me out. She did chew a friend of mine out, who quit over the incident.

I don't buy into the mythie anymore that all men are jerks, and women aren't. That's just so untrue! Women are jerks too, especially if they're in positions of power of power-hungry. I think there's even a book that's been written about aggression in teenage girls.

Well, take those aggressive nasty girls from junior high and high school and watch them climb the corporate ladder of success, and you know what? They're still just as nasty as they used to be junior high and highschool, only now the stakes are higher because your paycheck os involved and not just your popularity in school.

Think of the girls in that movie "Heathers" as corporate executives and you get the picture.

I worked with a bunch of female project managers once. Talk about a hell hole. There was so much backstabbing and gossiping going on, that it was like being back in junior high or high school.

These executive women running million dollar business projects would do anything to get you fired, make you look bad, etc, just because you weren't part of their clique. Talk about major sabotaging going on left and right, and they do it with a smile on their face too.

So yes, guys are nasty because they make sexual jokes sometimes and treat you with no respect and dignity, but women don't treat you any better except for the lack of sexual jokes.

People just behave like jerks when they are in positions of power, or want power, regardless of their sex.

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