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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

One of the girls on American Idol was quoted as saying she would love to marry Simon Cowell, and I think she was kind of embarrassed. I would so marry Simon Cowell is a serious second. He is so hot!

I've been sucked into watching "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump. So many people I know watch that show that I have to see it just to be able to understand what my friends are all buzzing about.

The comments about the contestants are pretty brutal, but pobably true. One of the guys said today that the girl who was being booted off was "probably an employee not a leader".

I was having this discussion with a friend of mine today. I really like being an employee, but most places I've worked at want me to be a "leader". It always creates problems, and it's happening in my present job. I know my bosses just don't understand me not wanting to climb the corporate ladder. I had a boss a few years ago warn me that I would run into problems with other jobs because I didn't want to go into management. I hate to admit it, but the guy was right.

At my last job I told my boss that I didn't really see myself as the management type, and she said she was fine with that. But by the end of my time there, I was managing a business analyst. It kind of made me mad but I had no choice but to accept it.

I want to be a full time writer, but until then I have to have a job. And I don't want to have a job that will eat up all my energy and my time. I need to have something left at the end of the day to pursue my writing ambition.

I guess if I wrote in the morning, this might not be such a problem because I'd give my energy to my writing ambition first and not to the way I need to earn money. But I am so not a morning person. I've tried writing in the morning, and it just doesn't work.

I think this is why most writers do write in the morning because that's when their energy is fresh and new. If you leave it to after work and at night, by that time you might be too drained to be creative. I've been in enough night classes to have heard people complain about being too tired to think.

There's got to be a way I can do both, to have an interesting job that challenges me and earns me enough money so I can continue my lifestyle but is not so stressed and tiring that I can't write at night when I get home.

Maybe I'll try writing in the morning again. If I can train myself to go to bed at a decent time, I'll be able to wake up an hour earlier. I can crank out four handwritten pages in about 40 or so minutes, so it's not like not like I need that much time to get my writing done.

I'm not one of those people who can crank out 2 hours of writing every day, week in and week out. Forty minutes to an hour of solid writing is about my creative limit.

Maybe if I turn myself into a morning writer, it won't matter what kind of job I have or how stressfull and tiring I am at the end of the day. I'll have to think about doing this. I've been such a night owl all my life.

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