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Saturday, February 07, 2004

So the new diet from, which I started late Wednesday seems to be working. I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 3.5 pounds. It's probably just water weight, but what a great psychological boost.

The diet doesn't have a lot of options which works for right now, but I can see myself wanting more food options. I may break down and try weight watchers once I get bored with the ediets thing.

A friend bought Dr. Phil's book on eating, and thinks I need to read it. She is actually doing all the exercises and issues are coming up for her which is a good thing.

What I like about this new diet is that if I follow their meals plans, I feel stuffed when I eat. I like the feeling of feeling very full after eating. Something about that makes me feel good, like I've been really good to myself and stuffed my fat face with food.

What I don't like is that in between meals I'm really, really hungry. This is how I know I'm really cutting back on my calories. Which is a trip because when I eat a meal I feel good and it doesn't feel like dieting, but then two to three hours later I'm reminded that I am dieting.

And why do I have to feel like I've stuffed my face with food to feel good. What's up with that?

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