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Monday, January 28, 2002

I'm catching up on my blogging because most days I feel like I have nothing to say, although I know this is untrue.

My birthday was on Thursday January 24 and I had that day off. Friends of mine were taking me out to Chez Panisse in Berkeley for dinner later than night and to avoid rush hour traffic on the bridge, I left San Francisco at around 1:30 pm.

Berkeley, what a strange place. There's this big push in Berkeley by the merchants to get people to shop there but parking there is such a pain in the ass. I wanted to park near Chez Panisse and just walk around and check out ths shopes or go to a movie or something but there are no parking garages in that neighborhood and you can't park for more than two hours before getting a ticket. Berkeley is such a user unfriendly city. People talk about San Francisco being dirty but downtown Shattuck is filthy as well, if not filthier.

It's hard to believe Berkeley is even a California city because parts of it look like a bordered up Northeastern town. It's really sad because I remember downtown Berkeley in the 80's as being such a nice place to visit. It's not that way anymore. Berkeley is not even a big city, but it's dirty as any big city I've ever seen.

So I ended up parking near the Berkeley BART so I could see a movie, but the only movie that I had time enough to see was "The Brotherhood of the Wolf". I had seen the commercials on TV and was very intrigued by them.

It's kung fu martial arts fightibg set in pre-revolutionary France. The movie is long and the plot is unbelievable, but the main star is so cute. He looks like this guy I used to date, who is half irish and half french. Both men were blondes with big noses and big brown eyes and nice strong looking jaw. They even had the same kind of bodies, nice and big, and they had the same kind of personality, flirty and always on the make for a woman. Actually now that I think about it, the two main characters in the movie were like froggie version of The Lone Ranger and Tonto. The french guy has an indian sidekick, who just happens to be an expert in martial arts. He's indian in the movie, so I guess that makes sense for the french. The indian sidekick is actually some famous martial arts guy from Hawaii.

The movie is based on a true story about some animal/monster that killed about 100 people in the time period and other reviews say that french have been obsessed with movie ever since. Th Brotherhood was one of the biggest grossing movies in France last year, so at least the french liked it.

I did enjoy the movie, but I think only because I grew up watching badly translated hong kong kung fu action movies. French, chinese, what's the difference right? The movie was beautifully filmed with gorgeous and eerie scenes and chock full of interesting camera angles. I got into camera angles after Pulp Fiction. Since it's a period movie, the costumes look authentic and are gorgeous and if you're a wolf fan, there are a ton of them to look at.

Maybe because it's french, there's also some fun sex scenes in a bordello including lots of nudity shots and a nicely done sex scene with hunky main guy, who's the cutest bikkie I've seen in a movie in a long time, and some italian/french whore, who turns out to be more than just a prostitute. Don't all prostitutes in most movies turn out to be more than just whores? I would definitely do the french cute bikkie anytime.

The fight scenes were also very good and the french hunky bikkie boy was a martial art kung fu guy at the end of the movie. Was it a good movie? I don't know. I enjoyed it but then any movie with lots of fighting and with a cute hunky bikkie boy main character is a good movie to me.
I think I mentioned awhile ago that I've been wanting to write a story about a young girl who gets beat up in a concentration camp in WW2 germany. I had a discussion on Tuesday with my writing group about authenticity and after hearing Dean Koontz talk about the theories of quantum mechanics, I came up with a different way to write this story.

I think I may be riffing off my friend Mel's Picasso story, although I've never read it and only heard her talk about it.

I started freewriting the story last night and this is my sketchy plot. A woman goes to one of those free psychic fairs and has a past life reading done. The past life reader tells her that she had a past life as young german girl in a concentration camp in WW2 germany. As a young german girl, she was beat up by the Nazis and subsequently died later of her injuries. Most of the young girl's injuries were in the hip, legs and feet. The modern day woman has the same pain and the pyschic reader tells her the pain is from her past reincarnation trauma. The psychic reader tells her that the woman is experiencing the trauma because there is something she needs to learn from that incarnation. What the woman needs to learn, the psychic reader cannot tell her.

The woman is a skeptic when it comes to psychic stuff but after the reading, she starts see images of the girl everywhere. One day as she's looking into a mirror at herself, she sees the young girl and the young girl in the mirror sees her. The woman reaches out her hand to the mirror and the young girl does the same thing. The woman, magically, enters the world of young girl but as her imaginary friend, since only the young girl can see her.

I'm envisioning three scenes with young german girl right now. The first time she meets the young girl is before the family is thrown into prison by the nazis. The second time is life in the prison camp, and the third scene is after the young girl gets beat up by the nazis. That's as far I've gotten with plot and I started writing the scene where the woman is at the free psychic fair in GG Park. I have to figure out what the woman needs to learn from having this experience. I was thinking it would be fun to have her go to a church and find a magic portal, but I would have to find a lutheran church with what looks like a magic portal and I'm not into doing that kind of research right now.

I like this story and I keep thinking, I want to have this kind of experience happen to me. I want to go through a magic portal and enter into another world. How cool is that? This story has all my long time interests too, reincarnation, WW2 germany, religion, magic, weird stuff.

Does this story sound too derivative of other fantasy stories? I wish I knew what she needed to learn but maybe I have to write the story to find out.

Saturday, January 12, 2002

I just finished reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. The writing is beautiful and very lyrical but it's very dense and not an easy read. I shall probably have to go back and reread it again just to see what I missed the first time. It's fun for me to read a book then go and look at all the reviews about the books just to see what other people say about it.

There is a lot of violence in the book but because the writing is very stylized and lyrical, it cast an artistic sheen for me over what I think others would considers overwhelming and grotesque. I dislike violence in real life but in wriitng, plays and movies, violence if done right can actually be quite beautiful. I'm not surprised by the cruel and evil acts in this book but then I read this book after the tragedy of 9/11, so maybe nothing violent shocks me anymore, nothing man can to do to other men shocks me anymore. What's that famous phrase, man's inhumanity to man, a phrase that is so descriptive of the characters in Blood Meridian.

I suppose the only slightly surprising thing for me was the ending, but I suppose what happened at the end was logical and inevitable and I congratulate McCarthy for taking the end to its most logical extreme. Very few writers do that.

I don't think finishing Blood Meridian and then going to see Amy Freed's play "The Beard of Avon" was probably a good idea. God, it was hard to sit through this very funny comedy of a play and to hear people laugh after spending the last week and half trying to get through what some critics have called the "great american novel".

I liked "The Beard of Avon", it was very cleverly written and very entertaining, but I found it derivative of all the sight gags and jokes in Shakespeare in Love. And Tom Stoppard is a much better writter than Amy Freed. I also found it annoying that Freed used the same device of putting cliche lines in the play like they did in Moulin Rouge. God, I found that so ghastly and annoying, but people in the theatre loved it and laughed at every old and tired line. I had a friend who saw Moulin Rouge when it first opened and she loved the movie because it used all those old lines.

I find it odd that this play was the most produced play in regional theatres across the country in 2001 but there are no backers for a broadway version. Why? I thought all great plays if they are that good are bound for Broadway. I don't know. There was a lot humanity in Shakespeare in Love, something about the wriitng of that movie touched a human chord in me and I think in many others who saw it. I saw no such thing in "The Beard of Avon". Oh, the play is very well written to be sure, but great, I'm not sure. For me, the play did not strike me deep in the heart like Shakespeare in Love did and for me to really like a play, it has to do that.

But the play is very funny and entertaining and part of me thinks I might have enjoyed it more had I not finished Blood Meridian the night before. I did a brief search on reviews for this play and found critics who thought the same. Isn't it gratifying when you find a critic who agree with your assessment. It makes me feel like I'm not crazy, especially when a respected reviewer has the same thoughts I have.

I felt the same way about that movie, Erin Brockovich. I really was not enamored of the movie and when I read Roger Ebert's review which nearly mirrored my own thoughts, I felt so much elation. An entertaining movie to be sure but not great art.

I did enjoy reading Amy Freed talking about her process of writing in the program though because when I do write, my inspiration is the same as hers. But of course, all the published writers say that to write great things, you must first write horrible things. But my question is, how do you know what' s good and what's horrible? Who's to say?

Sunday, January 06, 2002

I had the weirdest dream this morning. I was on a yaht with of all people Russell Crowe. So strange. I think I had a dream about him because I am dying to see his new movie but I can't find someone who wants to see it. Most of my friends think he's a total pig and can't stand him. I think he's such a great character actor. I loved him as the fat corporate freak in The Insider. His walk, how he held his body, his facial expressions, everything was so perfect and he reminded me of many of the corporate VIPs that I used to sit across from in meetings.

I wasn't that impressed with him in LA Confidential, although one of my friends loved the "mook", the name we gave him for playing the hunky dumb cop. I wasn' even that impressed with him in Gladiator but The Insider really convinced me what a great actor he is and I think he won the Oscar more for The Insider than for Gladiator.

But who the hell cares if he's a pig in his personal life. He's an actor and he's an aussie actor and according to my aussie girlfriends, most aussie men are pigs anyway. Remember most of the aussie men in Muriel's Wedding. My aussie girlfriends tell me that those casual portrayals of horny stupid men were very accurate. So what's the big deal if Russell Crowe is being true to his aussie male roots. He's a very good actor and in a film that's really all that matters.

Anyway, in my dream Russell Crowe and I were on this yaht and he was my friend and we got to know each other and we started liking each other even though at first we weren't really attracted to each other. I don't think he's that attractive. I wouldn't kick the guy out of my bed if he suddenly popped in there one night, but he's not as attractive as say Keanu Reeves or Johnny Dep or even Tom Cruise for that matter. That's why it's so strange for me to have a semi-erotic dream about an actor who I don't find that attractive but whom I think is just one hell of a great actor. But then again, I did have a very erotic dream about me and Howard Stern. I don't think he's attractive at all, but part of me thinks it would be great fun to have sex with him just to hear his commentary afterwards on my performance. Sick, isn't it?

It's been a strange week anyway, this first week of this new year. I was in Target the other day on my lunch break and I came across this old couple buying laxatives. In November, Susan, my spiritual healer, said that my clairsentient ability was going to kick into his gear in the next three months. Clairsentience is the ability to feel things through your body. As I was standing in the aisle with the old couple, I got a flash, some kind of feeling, that the old man was going to die soon. Isn't that an odd thought to have about somebody? I mean, I don't go around thinking people are going to die every day. But I got this feeling with this old man and that he was going to die soon. Then I had another feeling that there were angels around watching him, like Nicholas Cage in that movie with Meg Ryan. The angels come and watch and take care of you when you're about to die so they can guide your spirit when you finally leave your body.

I was so creeped out that that I left the aisle, bought what I needed to buy and then went to the post office. Then in the post office, I felt the feeling of the angels again and I quickly looked around the post office but I was afraid to look at anyone's face because I didn't want to think that one of them was going to die soon.

I remember in college I had a friend named Karen and she was very psychic and could tell when people were going to die. She told me it was a very disturbing feeling and now I know what she means. Karen said she had started getting these feelings in her early teens but by her late teens, she had learned to turn it off. It's not a cheery feeling walking around knowing that random people who you don't even know are going to die soon.

In church, I had the same feeling but I quickly turned it off. I don't really want to know when people are going to die. It's really none of my business and it's an awful feeling because you can't tell them. I don't even feel like telling them because after all, those angels are there and I think that means that it's okay and all ordained, but still, how depressing.

The neurotic part of me thinks that maybe it's me the angels are visiting, and that I'm going to die soon, but I know that's not true. I think 2002 is going to be a wild year. I think it's going to full of trauma for people and if karma been speeding up starting in 1998, then it' s just going to go into overdrive in 2002.

I get the sense that great things are going to happen in the world, in my life but also great traumas, big decisions that I'll have to make, that other people will have to make. It's a bit frightening really, knowing that changes are going to take place and wanting yet fearing the change, because change brings new worlds and and an end to old worlds. I've read that one door cannot open until another door has closed. I guess my biggest fears are more to do with what doors in my life will close than what new doors will open. But whatever I feel, what's sure is change will come and all I can do at this point is pray that when change does come, I don't freak out too much