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Thursday, January 08, 2004

Check this out. Some congressman freak from Sacratomato has submitted a bill to ban some of my favourite and cherished swear words from the airwaves.

Politician would ban dirty words from TV He's angry that FCC failed to act .

What the f@#ck? A plague of fbombs on that man's house!
Just for fun and because I'm in that kind of mood, I posted on Craig's list in Rants and Raves for San Francisco asking for a definition of the phrase "WMS (wild monkey sex)".

I'm curious to see what kind of definitions people will send me, if I get any responses at all that is.
I googled the phrase "wild monkey sex" and found the following definition.

The idea of wild monkey sex is to have abnormally passionate and/or hot, sticky, sweat-pouring-down-your-back SEX! with someone. Generally used in context to a particularily physically attractive person with whom sexual intercourse is desired or achieved.
Yeah! I'm writing again, at least for tonight, and just finished putting down 1,909 words.

I'm having my couple go horseback riding. How like typically harlequin romance story is that, having the couple go horsebacking riding. They'll ride together, get to know each other, later have dinner atop Reunion Tower and then boom, they're in bed having WMS (wild monkey sex). Sounds like a good date to me!