1 Kings 2: 11-46, 1 Kings 3: 1-15, Acts 11: 19-30, Acts 12: 1-19, Psalm 90: 1-10
Acts: 12: 1-2 (ESV)
“About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some
who belonged to the church. He killed James the brother of John with the sword,”
Verse 1 and 2 describe Herod killing James, who was a
disciple and brother of John. He was the first of Christ’s 12 disciples to be
killed, but he would not be the last. All the disciples except for John died
violent deaths for their beliefs and for preaching about Christ. Because of the
TV show “The Chosen”, I’ve gotten to know the disciple Jakes. James and his
brother John were close to Jesus. They were also witnesses to many miracles he
performed that other disciples did not see. Many biblical scholars have made
the case that James was part of inner circle of Christ.
But Jesus did tell the 12 disciples that they would follow him
in his path, but they never believed him. It makes me wonder if the death of
James made them fully realize what Jesus had been warning them about and what
it would mean for their lives. Even if they did realize that they too would one
day die of a violent death, the disciples kept talking about the words of
Christ. They did not stop preaching.