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Friday, April 16, 2004

A blogging game.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog, and pass it on by posting it along with these instructions on your site.

"This reply, duly conveyed, enraged Viswaamitra who exploded into a curse that Vasishtha's sons do die and be re-born for seven generations in a tribe given to eating dog's flesh." from "The Ramayana" as summarised by Sri C. Rajagopalachari.
For my film history class, we watched "The Piano" by Jane Campion. I first saw this movie when it came out in the early 90's, and it was interesting to watch it again years later. Here are some interesting observations I had:

1. When I first saw this movie, I hated the husband. This time around I was very sympathetic to the husband. It takes two to make a marriage fail and both Ada and her husband made mistakes.

2. The sexual game that Ada and Harvey Keitel played was sensous and erotic. Previously, I thought the game was demeaning and nasty, and now I'm like "hmmm, interesting and very sexy."

3. Still thinking after all these years, "is it worth wrecking your marriage so you can have sex with Harvey Keitel?"

4. Ada's daughter was so cruel and I never really got until the second viewing years later, that the little girl probably felt abandoned by Ada. The daughter had her mother all to herself before going to New Zealand, and now she had to share her with Harvey Keitel. The daughter didn't mind the Sam Neil character because he never made demands on Ada's time, but with Harvey Keitel, Ada ignored the daughter.

5. The Harvey Keitel character really loved Holly Hunter's character Ada. Back then I thought it was romantic, and now I think "okay, so he's not the best looking guy in the world, his bum is decent and all but the rest of him including those tatoos on his face are annoying, but you know maybe all that really matters is the fact that he really loved her and was smart enough to get that the piano really mattered to her."

6. I used to love the ending of "The Piano", even though friends argued passionately at the time that the movie should have ended with Ada committing suicide with the piano. My friends said "The Piano" had a Hollywood happy ending. I told them I would've hated the movie if it ended with a suicide, because I love Hollywood happy endings. Now, I can go either way. I still love the happy ending with Ada and Harvey Keitel ending up together, but I now see merit in a suicide ending.
My blog wasn't loading because of some server problem. These things always happen to my bloggie.

From: "Blogger Support"
To: "Brenda ElfGirl (251098,3048307)"
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [#46443] Can't see my blog

Hi there-

Thanks for letting us know about the problem with your blog not loading - it's most likely related to some server maintenance we performed late yesterday afternoon, and our sysadmins are working to fix it immediately.

However, it appears to be loading fine now on my end.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

So I think there's something wrong with my blog. I can't even see it. I'm hoping if I post something, it will show up again.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

So it's like so evil. I'm suffering from the curse of Steve, the one that got away. This is how the curse of Steve works. Every time I see a guy that even very remotely resembles him, the curse of Steve kicks in and I find myself amazingly attracted to the Steve look-alike. Like it doesn't matter what kind of personality the guy has or how smart the guy is, I'm like totally attracted to him because he kind of looks like Steve.

What a curse! And like lately, there are so many guys that look like him. The guy is like so generic to have that many lookalikes walking around and on TV. It's like so embarrassing to think I was even attracted to such a generic looking individual. Think of a non-descript dark blondie/strawberry blondie boy with freckles, around 6 ft with a medium build and hazel brown eyes. How generic is that.

That thing with him ended like so long ago that honestly I think his features are so blurry in my mind, but I swear to god whenver I see a guy that kinda sorta looks like him it's like the attraction buzzer goes off in my brain and I look at the guy and think "cute and he reminds me of Steve".

And I like so bet that Steve, the one that got away, so does not remember me and couldn't pick me out in a mug shot lineup if his life depended on it. Yet here I am, so suffering with the curse of Steve.