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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I watched the presidential debate, and migrated the info from my Palm V to my new Palm Tungsten E. I love the wireless keyboard; it so cool! I'm definitely going to have to take it to a coffeeshop and write with it. I love new tech toys.

I need to figure out if I want a purchase a dictionary for my Palm, and other fun software. I was even thinking of putting music on my Palm, but the few songs that I have on my computer take up 346 MB. I'd have to get a 512 mb expansion card. I'm still not sure about getting Ipod.

I love listening to the radio to hear new songs. Most of the people I know who have Ipods, listen to their Ipods in their car to the same songs over and over again. They never listen to the radio or new songs. I have to listen to new songs, and I'm kind of bummed that I don't drive as much as I used because I listened to the radio a lot in my car.

Now I want a laptop; I seriously want a laptop. Should I be seriously trendy and buy a Mac, the laptop I've fantasized about owning for a long time? It's supposedly really trendy to drive a Volkswagen and own a Mac laptop. I love my Golf because it's small and very fast, not because it's a trendy car. My Siegfried VW is such a great car!

Or should I buy a Dell 300M from the outlet because it only weighs 3.1 pounds. Does 1 or 2 pounds really make a difference? Stay tuned ...
Wouldn’t it be fun to write a novel where the female character accidentally runs into two different versions of herself because of some strange rip in time, like say brought about by the pentagram that formed in space over the weekend.

--An amazingly rare, deeply auspicious planetary pattern is being formed in the sky today (October 1) . It involves the Sun, The Moon, Pluto, Saturn and Uranus, dividing the sky into exactly equal sectors of 72 degrees. Because the Sun is also forming a quadruple conjunction with Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, their influence is drawn in too.

We do not know how important these angles of 72 degrees were to the ancients but we do know they were considered crucial by Johan Kepler who lived between 1571 and 1630. Kepler is often called the father of modern astronomy because he worked out that the orbits of the planets are not circular but egg-shaped. He was also a keen astrologer with a reputation for accurate predictions. Kepler insisted that such 'Quintiles' denoted great ease and opportunity.

John Addey, one of the 20th century's greatest astrologers, was also excited by these alignments. He said they represented the zodiac's 'fifth harmonic' and revealed hidden spiritual secrets about the cosmic order.

If he, or Kepler, were still alive today, they'd be gobsmacked to see not one, but five, such alignments, all happening at once, creating the pattern of a perfect pentagram. The powerful pattern has been building up all week. It's a time when magical things become possible. Weirdly and intriguingly, this historic alignment repeats on October 28, at the very moment of the next lunar eclipse! --

So the premise would be the pentagram forms a rip in the time continuum that lasts from October 1 through October 28, and the main character through a series of strange coincidences runs into two different versions of herself. The only thing that separates the three lives is a decision each made regarding the same man they were all seeing a year previously.

Self 1 – slept with the guy on the first date after meeting the guy
Self 2 – dumped the guy after the first date
Self 3 (the current self who discovers the other two) – dumped the guy at first, then reconnected a few months later.

The novel would be about Self 3 finding out the consequences of each decision of the other two selves, and of course each decision turned out very differently. I’m even thinking I could put a little domestic mayhem in one of the stories just for dramatic effect. Each story would have to radically different for the total story to have any juice, and probably some kind of moral conclusion although what that moral conclusion would be is unknown to me right now.

The story would have to take place in the 28 day time frame, and maybe each of the characters would trade lives because they’re all the same person. So the selves would each get to experience each other’s lives. That would mean creating some kind of device to get the characters into the three parallel worlds, and I’m thinking like maybe they’re all interested in astrology and on October 1, they were attending in their separate worlds an astrology meeting at a nearby observatory. At some point in the night, they got lost and ended up in a room together all the same time. The room in the observatory would then be the portal into the parallel worlds, but I think I’d have to put some conditions on the point of entry. Like in order for each to move into the other world, they all have to switch together. That would really be confusing.

A better alternative would be that since they call entered the room in the observatory at the same time, they all have to travel to each world together but only one could switch. This scenario might even be more confusing.

I don’t know. I just like the thought of being able to write about what a life would have been like, based on the consequence of one very small decision.
I hate this. How did I end up in a job where I have to write and edit website copy for my program? This was never part of my job description, and I now I do it constantly. Whatever writing that needs to be done, they give it to me. "Give it to Brenda, she'll do it." We'll just redline her to death. Aaaarrggghh!

Monday, October 04, 2004

Strange coincidence today.

I called my dental insurance to check up on the claim for my dental surgery, and the phone rep guy told me I was third person to call who had the birthday of January 24. Then he laughed and said his birthday was on January 25. How weird is that? I never hardly meet anyone who has a birthday around the same time as mine, and the phone rep guy told me the same thing, which is why he noted how many January 24 women were calling him.

After work I went to CompUSA to buy my new Palm Tungsten E. I bought a cover, some paper and a keyboard. I'm looking through my receipt at home, when I notice that the cashier never charged me for the $70 wireless Palm keyboard. I got a free keyboard. This is so strange because the guard at the exit out of CompUSA checked my receipt and bag, and let me through. Like he didn't notice it either.

So either they're giving away free $70 wireless Palm keyboards at CompUSA, or I just got a fun free gift from the universe. What does it all mean? I never knew breaking up with a guy I'm very still much in love with could be so much fun! The universe is like giving me free stuff, like maybe I did the right thing or I'm on the right path. Or maybe I'm just really really danged lucky today.

I'm tripping, I'm just totally tripping. I'm telling you, this feeling good about the world stuff is better than any drug I've ever taken because of the sheer length of the high. I'm just wondering about the crash. After every good high comes a pretty gnarly nasty crash. You know the old saying ... the higher you go the lower you fall. So I'm like waiting for the boom to fall any minute now, and wondering how bad it's going to be.
Darn! I am in such a good mood. I really have to figure out how to bottle this stuff and sell it. It's like being high but without artificial stimulants. People would kill to feel as good as I'm feeling now, I think. I would kill to feel this good 24/7. Well maybe not 24/7, but at least whenever I wanted to feel good.

The feeling is like this ... you just want throw your head back and laugh and go "wwwhhheeeee" like you're a little kid, and you're rubbing your hands together. Ahhhh, the innocence of childhood. Or like you're on top of the world, but it's so disconcerting because you've done nothing new to warrant feeling this good.