Numbers 17 & 18, Luke 5: 17-32, Psalm 50: 1-15
Luke 5: 31-32 (ESV)
“And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need
of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous
but sinners to repentance.”
In verses 31 and 32 from Luke 5, the Pharisees and scribes ask
Jesus why he dines with tax collectors and sinners. Christ tells them he came
to call the sinners to repent because they are sick with sin. One author of a
Bible commentary called Christ a “physician of the soul”. The problem with the
Pharisees and scribes is that they did not think they were sinners because they
strictly followed the laws, even though Jesus has called them hypocrites. If
your life is good and you don’t have any pressing material needs, it can be
hard to realize that you need Christ in your life. People who have committed big
sins like murder or stealing know they need repentance from God. But a sin is a
sin whether you’ve done the deed or just thought of doing the deed. People who
tend to be very successful in life don’t think they need God. Their life is great,
and they do not need anything. But whether your life is successful or not, you
need to ask yourself if you are happy and if you have peace in your life. If
your life is not happy and full of miracles and peace, then you need Christ in your
life. Only a relationship with God can lead a person to true happiness,
miraculous days and nights, and unending peace.