Ezra 3, Revelation 9: 13-21, Revelation 10, Proverbs 27: 5-14
Proverbs 27: 7 (ESV)
“One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry
everything bitter is sweet.”
When I read verse 7 from Provers 27, I was so touched. Solomon
tells us when you are full, something as sweet as a honeycomb is not desired.
Bible commentators have said that this verse means that when your life is satisfying,
you will find it easy to reject things that others would consider rewarding. I have
been at this place in my life, but I always knew that something was missing. Even
when my life was rich and abundant, it just wasn’t enough.
Solomon then tells us when your life is not abundant and you
are hungry, you will find everything very sweet. I’ve been in this place as
well. I remember when I used to take night classes, and I used to bring my
dinner to eat on campus because I didn’t have enough money to eat in the
cafeteria. Eating out even if the meal was under $10 was such a big deal.
Having had an abundant life and a life of not having enough
money to even eat out, I used to think that if I just had enough money I would
be satisfied. But when I had a lot of money and was able to eat out and did not
think anything of spending over $150 on a dinner, the abundant life was not
satisfying. The only thing that I have found truly satisfying is having a
relationship with God in my life. God is the only thing in my life that seems
to satisfy the hunger in me.