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Monday, January 03, 2005

I've been tracking my writing since December 16 through today, and I've written for 11 of those days, spent two days reading a new book on writing and skipped six days. These results are good for me. I've not gone longer than two days without writing, and on those days I didn't write I could have written if I wanted to. I just didn't feel like I could make the time.

I've playing a little game with myself as well that I learned from this book called "Immediate Fiction". I set the timer on my watch for 10 minutes, and I tell myself that I only need to write for 10 minutes. If I'm not into writing at the end of the 10 minutes I'm allowed to stop. It's a good trick, because invariably at the end of 10 minutes I'm still interested in writing and can usually get four pages of handwritten scribble down before I feel the urge to stop.

The 10 minute rule is supposed to be done every day, but I'm not at that point yet. I'd like to get there. I'd like to be able to sit down every day and do a 10-minute write, but I'm still at the point where if I don't feel like writing I won't do it. But taking no more than a two-day break is real progress for me, real progress.

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