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Thursday, September 15, 2005

I haven't done a political rant in a long time, but I think it's such dandy, dandy karma that right as Eileen Ackerman, the superintendant for the San Francisco school district resigns due to political pressure from the left wing flakies on the school board, the San Francisco school district announces a $1 billion shortfall.

I think those left wing numb-nuts who got Ms. Ackerman to leave have a ton of explaining to do, because they were obviously too busy doing political infighting to watch the school budget. I love when people's personal agendas take over and leave the public high and dry.
FYI. I was asked by a friend to have my blog do an RSS feed, and it's doing that now. Not sure what this all means, but I think it's supposed to help other websites know when my blog has been udpated. I haven't been posting daily but I guess I'm going to have to keep up now.

Monday, September 12, 2005

M-Square knows I have a blog, but he doesn't know the address. He promised me that if he ever ran across it he would tell me. And when that lovely day happens, I probably will have to stop blogging about him and our relaitonship. If I knew he was reading my blog, I wouldn't write anything about him. I would feel like I had to censor myself and I don't want to do that.

Maybe my friend Jon was right when he told me "never tell potential loves that you have a blog." They'll just read it and get freaked out. So far M-Square hasn't talked about my blog in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping he's forgotten I even have one, although that's unlikely because the guy totally remembers everything I've ever told him. He did promise to tell me, but I wouldn't blame if he kept that little secret to himself so he could read what I think about him.
Last Tuesday I had a phone job interview and I was so unfocused. I don't think I did very well. Never schedule a job interview after a wild weekend with a guy you absolutely adore. Oh well! I think I need to send out more resumes.

I called M-Square afterwards because I was kind of freaked out, and he was his usual sweet self. Damn! I kind of really wanted this job. But maybe the other company I originally wanted to work at is where I really need to be. Some guy from work sent out an announcement saying he was leaving to take a job at that place. He only sent it because he'd been at my comnpany for 20 years. M-Square said I'm not even trying that hard to get a job and I'm getting called for interviews, so he thinks it's a good sign that I'm very employable.
My work week after my fun Labor Day holiday was hell. It was supposed to be a short week, but it sure didn't feel like it.

M-Square called me every day after he got home from work, which was so sweet! But I couldn't talk to him because I was too busy debriefing with my friends. Poor guy! I think he was bummed at me for never being around, but he had a busy work week as well plus he was tired from our weekend. I guess I wiped the poor guy out!

Monday, September 05, 2005

I'm having another Bridget Jones moment. M-Square just called to thank me for the weekend and to say he had a great time, then he said "I miss you already!". Aaaahhhh!

I told M-Square my pajama top smelled like him so I'm not going wash it right away because I want to keep smelling it to remember our weekend together.

This is what Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones II would say about my weekend - five glorious shags!
My weekend was amazing! I was expecting somebody who looked like Tommy Lee from Motley Crue, and instead I got a blondie boy Vince Neil type but with blue eyes ... which is like so Southern California surfer boy!

It's hard when you're meeting someone for the first time after chatting away and emailing for two months the way we did. There are so many expectations about what each person should look like, be like, it takes awhile to settle yourself down.

I knew within five minutes, like I always do, that the sex part was going to be really good. My sexdar is almost never wrong. I thought it was going to be really good just from talking to him on the phone, and then seeing him in person just confirmed my feeling. After an hour together while we were walking around King Tut exhibit, I got excited when our hands accidentally brushed, but then M-Square said he was trying to send me signals. I picked the signal up but I don't know, it was confusing to me because I had just met him and I didn't think it would work that fast.

We were so comfortable together, and yet not comfortable together. It's hard to explain. As the day progressed I became more comfortable with him, and by the end of the night I was pretty much lying with my head on his shoulder and caressing him, which was so cool. M-Square is a pretty touch feely king of guy and I really did want to hold his hand as we were going through the King Tut exhibit, but I felt it was just too soon.

King Tut was exhaustive. LACMA did a great job of crowd control by having timed exhibit entrances, but there were three times when the exhibit just got way too crowded. M-Square hates crowds so it was hard for him, but he was good and managed to keep it together until the exhibit ended.

Then he did something really sweet and thoughtful by buying for me scarab green earrings made of limestone with a little amethyst. The sales woman in the exhibit gift shop was so nice. She picked out the really nice ones for me, and M-Square helped me pick one out. I wasn't expecting a present from him this soon, but he said he really wanted to buy me something from the King Tut exhibit so I told him he could buy me earrings. There were a couple of women trying them on, and we were talking and they were going to buy them so I had to have a pair as well.

His place has steps down to a beach in the Laguna Beach area, so we did the Southern California date thing and walked on the beach hand in hand as the sun was setting. But then I spoiled it by somehow stepping in dog doo, which just annoyed me because I felt like Will Smith in the movie "Hitch" and was doing all the wrong things on my first date.

Walking on the beach at sunset was so nostalgic for me, especially when I saw these boys sandsurfing. I sandsurfed as a kid with a wooden round disk, but these young kinds had mini surfboards that were flat and you could throw on the sand as the waves are hitting the shore and surf on the water retreating back to the sea. Those kids were so cute, and they knew we were watching so they put on a good show.

More to come ... but I flew home on the 1 pm flght today very happy and still into M-Square as much as ever if not even more.