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Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Day 120 Bible Reading - John 1: 29 (ESV)

Joshua 17-18, John 1: 29-51, Psalm 68: 21-27

John 1: 29 (ESV)

“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Verse 29 from John 1 is what John the Baptist said to Jesus the next day after he baptized Jesus. John proclaimed to Jesus it was his destiny to be a sacrifice for sin. Last year I watched the movie “His only son”, which tells the story Abraham being told by God to sacrifice his son. The symbol of the pure lamb as a sacrifice to take away from sin began to dawn on me. John the Baptist announced to Jesus what his role was, and I don’t think anyone who heard him fully got what he meant. Certainly, the disciples who witnessed John baptizing Jesus didn’t get what John meant, and that John the Baptist was actually predicting that Jesus would need to be sacrificed like a lamb. I think if they did get it, they would have understood when Jesus told them later about his coming death. But they didn’t get it, and I think it’s hard for me even now to fully understand the extent of what Jesus went through for our sins. But Jesus understood it. It was his father’ s will and Jesus was willing to do anything to fulfill God’s plan earth. And if it wasn’t for Jesus’ sacrifice, we would have ti experience the consequences of our sins.

Insights on getting rid of negative beliefs using EFT

 I use EFT (emotional freedom technique) to clear negative beliefs in my life. It really doesn't matter what what system you use. All you need to is find a system that resonates with you and becomes your permission slip to do this kind of work. All systems work and it's all about finding one that you believe in and is an easy process for you. I've been doing it this past week and the following are insights that came to me:

  • You need to find the belief that brings tears to your eyes. And I mean, real tears. When a belief makes you cry, you know you have a belief that you have emotions wrapped up in. It's a powerful enough belief where your body has a reaction.
  • If you use EFT, and you get the belief down to 1-3 and you find yourself getting scared, this means you are on the core of rooting out this negative belief.
  • If you manage to get your belief down to 1 (which might mean on a scale of 1-10, how do you rate the belief. 1 being not true to 10 being very true), you might find yourself freaking out especially if that feeling has been around for a long time. That belief has become over the years a part of your identity.
    • You might yourself saying "I don't know who I am." This happens because the negative belief had been part of your identity for so long, that your identity is threatened.
    • Don't worry! This is a normal response. Taking away the negative belief creates a vacuum, and you will need to fill it.
    • What you will need to say the most positive belief you have about yourself, so this new positive belief fills the vacuum you just created.
    • You might need to repeat the positive belief to yourself several times before this feeling of loss and "being threatened goes away.
When you get to the part where you are freaking and don't know who you are, CONGRATULATIONS! You have let go of that belief. An image of a wall crumbling or breaking might come to your mind. The negative belief you just eliminated was a core part of other negative beliefs, and these minor negative beliefs will start to crumble because you've gotten rid of the anchor core belief. 

I hope this helps. Getting rid of negative beliefs that no longer serve you is a great way to open up opportunities in your life. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Day 119 Bible Reading - John 1: 1-5 (ESV)

Joshua 15-16, John 1: 1-28, Psalm 68: 15-20

John 1: 1-5 (ESV)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

I love the way verses 1-5 was depicted in The Chosen TV series. It shows a fictional version of the disciple named John and how he might have been inspired to write this gospel in the way he did. Whenever I watch this scene, it brings tears to my eyes. The actor who portrayed John did such a good job of showing how much his character loved Christ. I love that Jesus said to John that a favorite memory of his how the world was created, which implies that Christ was there with God when the world was created. Or maybe not exactly physically there, but since Christ is part of the trinity he shared memories with God his father.

Although some may argue that this fictional recreation of how John came up with the beginning of his gospel may be heresy, there is no evidence to suggest that it is because we simply don’t have much information on how these gospels were created and their author. The assumption among biblical scholars is that John wrote this gospel, but we don’t really have evidence to confirm or deny its authorship. I love the idea of Christ as the “Word”, because words create reality. And the reality that Christ created in our world is beautiful and positive.

For your viewing pleasure from The Chosen Season 2, episode 1:

Many thanks to John Hilton III who put together this show excerpt - please subscribe to his channel.

Google Analytics 4 - Step 1

 I finally got the blog connected. YAY! 

The second one I started because something wasn't working with the first one. Let's hope this one will work better.