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Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Is the universe standing in the way of my move? I'm supposed to half move this weekend, and there's this huge storm due in tomorrow night. The cable TV person is coming on Saturday to set up my cable at my new apartment, and turning off the cable in my old apartment. The phone guy is set to be at the new place on Monday to hook up the phone, and turn off the old phone. But the movers aren't coming till next Friday.

I should have moved this Friday, but the office is closing on Friday and it felt weird not be here to say goodbye to everyone. Starting Monday I'm officially supposed to start working from home, except I took Monday off because the phone guy is coming over.

I wanted to spend Friday night sleeping in my new place, and move over what I need for the week before the movers arrive on Friday. What a drag though to move your stuff in the rain. I need to move as much as I can over the weekend, because my only free nights next week are Tuesday and Thursday.

How did I do all of this in the past? I don't think I had as much stuff as I do now. My stuff all has to be in boxes for the movers, and getting everything into a box is so hard. There is just so much stuff. I've made two trips to Uhaul to buy boxes, and I still don't have enough. I was even able to obtain four boxes from work yesterday, but I still need more boxes.

I'm moving my clothes in suitcases, and just putting the clothes on hangers into a garbage bag and taking them over to the new place. But there's only so much you can do each night after work. I wish I could justify hiring people to pack for me, but it's just too expensive. I don't mind paying for movers, but it feels wasteful to have a company pack up my personal stuff. Still if I had the extra cash, I think I'd do it because I'm getting so sick of moving.

My worst nightmare is I'll need something that I've packed away in a box, and I won't remember which box I put it in. Then I'll be tempted to open up each box to find what I need.

This is why moving is so stressful and traumatic. There's just too much to do and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all in. And it's even worse when the weather doesn't cooperate.
I am bad. I get hooked on TV shows when I should be packing up my apartment and getting ready for my move.

I started watching "Manor House", and now I can't help it. I have to see it all the way to the end. The last episode is tonight, thank goodness.

My favorite character is Kenny the cute young hall boy. The boy says the funniest things. He's got a thing going with the scullery maid, and here's what he said about her.

"She's a stunner, a real fetching (sounded like catching) bird." At first I thought he said "catching bird", and I'm like driving to work thinking "what the heck is a catching bird". Now I think he really said "fetching bird", and that makes more sense. "Bird" is cockney for girl.

I like the kitchen maid as well, although I can't rememer her name. She said if she was alive during Edwardian times, she would have chosen to be prostitute because at least she'd be on her back all the time and her feet and body wouldn't hurt.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

I'm watching American Idol again. Man oh man, I love Simon Cowell. He is so witty, honest and cute! He's the only really honest judge on the whole panel.

I think I want Ruben to win. He's got the best voice, but I don't honestly don't know if he's pop star material. I liked the marine guy Josh, but he was tense tonight and his voice just wasn't up to par. I think Clay and Kimberly have great voices, but Ruben totally outshines them.

Neil Sedaka has written so many hits, it's amazing. He also seems to be such a nice person, and that was unexpected after all his success and fame.

I'm not a voter though, I'm just a watcher. I don't know, I just can't bring myself to vote.

Monday, April 28, 2003

My church is offering a seminar next Sunday entitled, "The Moral Education of Children". I wasn't even thinking of attending but I do someday want to write children's books and I guess I should see what this seminar is about.

The seminar will be taught by Professor Steve Johnson, director of education programs at Santa Clara University's Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. He comes to my church services on Sundays and Wednesdays, and I always see him, although he' s not a member. I hear he's still trying to decide on whether to join my church, so it's interesting to see that he will be leading a seminar. I am very curious to see what he has to say.
I've been thinking about the guys I've been in love with since 1999, and they've all been strawberry blondie boys with brown eyes. I'm a on red-headed boy kick. Steve was strawberrry blondie with brown eyes, Brian was brown/red-headed boy with hazel green eyes, and now I have a crush on some guy from church, and guess what, he'sa strawberry blondie boy with brown eyes.

The only exception was Chris, the screenwriting cutie, but he possessed my other favorite look for guys, dark hair and blue eyes. I'm a sucker for that look.

What is going on? Strawberry blondie boys? What's up with that?