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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Day 121 Bible Reading - John 2: 10 (ESV)

Joshua 19-20, Joshua 21: 1-10, John 2, Psalm 68: 28-35

John 2: 10 (ESV)

“…“Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.”

I love verse 10 from John 2 because it shows the power of God’s miracles. Jesus transformed water into win for the wedding because they had run out. When it was tasted, it was considered “better than the wine than the wine that was made for the wedding. God has the power to turn something ordinary as water into something better tasting than the finest wine. This was Christ’s first miracle. Jesus went on perform greater and greater miracles until the last miracle before his death, which was the raising Lazarus from death. We need to remember this verse when we pray and ask God for miracles. God can do everything from turning an ordinary event into something that will please our senses and bring us happiness, to curing illnesses like blindness, and bring life from death. And of course, God’s best miracle, to save us from our sins with the death of his son Jesus Christ so we can have an eternal life with him.

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