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Thursday, January 12, 2006

I don't think I'm going to see "Brokeback Mountain". Two friends of mine have seen the movie and said it wasn't very good. We were speculating as to why the movie is winning all these awards, and we agreed that it's just Hollywood voting politically. I really trust these two friends' opinions of movies, and when they say a movie is boring, then the movie is truly boring.

One of my friends said that her gay friend told her that "King Kong" was a better love story. That's sad huh? "Far from Heaven" deals with same kind of subject as"Brokeback Mountain" and that movie didn't get nearly the amount of press or praise from the critics. "Far from Heaven" is wonderfully written and the cinematography was so beautiful.

This same friend, who also writes screeplays, highly recommended "The Weatherman" with Nicholas Cage. She said it was a really fun flick. What happened to that movie? There were a few trailers, and then all of a sudden it left the theaters. My friends thinks that no one knew how to market the movie. Im going to have to rent it on Netflix.

Other movie recommendations from my two friends:
The new "Pride and Prejudice". There isn't a lovely Colin Firth shirtless underwater scene but apparently, the new Mr. d'Arcy has a delicious bare-chested walking through the forest scene.

"Capote" - Phillip Seymour Hoffman is fabulous and worth watching.

"Shopgirl" - Steve Martin is a terrific writer.

Both of my friends hated the new Harry Potter. They said it was too confusing if you hadn't read the book, unlike the other Potter movies. I didn't think so, but then again I did read the book.

They both heard "Syriana" was confusing to watch, but I didn't think so. I thought the writer did a very good job of weaving the different stories together, just like he did in "Traffic".

They both heard that "Memoirs of a Geisha" was a disappointment after reading the book. I thought the movie did a very good job of getting the essence of the story on screen, since the book was very long. The recreation of the gesiha world in old Japan was stunning. The kimonos were gorgeous and those shots of the beautiul cherry blossoms were amazing.

Alright, I must admit that when I saw the two chinese actresses I couldn't help but be reminded of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but only because both women were also in that movie. But at least the Chairman was japanese. One thing that was interesting was that I always thought of the Chariman as older and not as good looking from reading the book. So I was pleasantly surprised to find the Chairman was quite the looker.

What I also noticed in the movie however, which somehow never came across as fully in the book, is that the Chairman is like so old compared to the geisha girl telling the story. Talk about literally robbing the cradle.

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