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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Day 117 Bible Reading - Luke 24: 6 (ESV)

Joshua 11-12, Luke 24: 1-35, Psalm 68: 1-6

Luke 24: 6 (ESV) 

He is not here, but has risen.”

When I was reading bible commentaries for Luke 24, one pastor said the following about verse 6 - “these were some of the most important words ever spoken by an angel to men.” We don’t have a description of the resurrection, which many pastors have said that this fact makes the gospels more authentic because they don’t describe what happened or try to embellish it. We just have the two angels who tells the women that Jesus is not there, because he told them himself that he would rise after three (3) days. I like that the bookends of the life of Christ are angels making an announcement about him. The angels announced his birth to the shepherds and the angels announced to the women that he is risen. Without the resurrection of Christ, we would have a Christian religion. This simple fact and statement from the angels helped to spawn a brand new religion that eventually became one of the foundations of Western culture. And because we are all sinners, two things happened. One, there have been countless attempts from this point forward to prove the resurrection did not happen. And two, we as sinners feel our lives are saved by Christ because the resurrection did happen. Two sides of the same coin, always at war with each other, and where one could not exist without the other. With the only thing separating the two is the faith of the sinner.

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