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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Day 1 Bible Study

I messed up. I thought my new 2024 Bible Study was starting on January 4, but it started on January 3. The plan I am following is not a chronological reading of the Bible but consists of daily readings from the Old and New Testament and then switches back between Proverbs and Psalms. I like this way of reading the Bible because you start to see the prophecy of Christ in the Old Testament.

The Day 1 Bible Reading consists for Genesis 1-2, Mathew 1, and Psalms 1.  

Genesis 1: 3-5 (ESV)

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.”

This passage from Genesis 1 stood out for me because God in the Old Testament created the world in terms of duality. For example, light versus darkness, night versus day, and morning and evening. The newly created world is a world of opposites or good versus bad. It isn’t until the birth of Jesus in Mathew 1 that God adds a third part to his created world. With the birth of Christ, God newly recreates the world changing it from a duality to a trinity with the birth of Jesus. Jesus is balance point between the two opposites in the world, or the person that stops us from going into the darkness since he is in the middle. No longer is there this duality of life and then death. With Christ, we have the world as a trinity. You are born, you die, but with Christ you are born again and will live with him in heaven after you die. This idea of the Trinity strikes me as revolutionary and evolutionary. Instead of us living in a dualistic world of opposites with no chance of escaping the darkness, with Christ we now have the neutral point between the two opposites. We have the point of neutrality where we are allowed to choose which side to follow. We have Christ standing in the way so we don’t go into the darkness of death.

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