Genesis 3 & 4, Matthew 2, Psalm 2
Genesis 3: 4-5 (ESV)
“But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely
die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you
will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Verses 4 and 5 from Genesis 3 stood out to me today. The
serpent said to Eve that if you eat of the apple, “you will be like God, knowing
good and evil.”. I know that whenever I felt I knew better than God, I decided
not to listen to what the Holy Spirit was trying to whisper to me. I became
like God, thinking I knew good and evil and the plan for my life. And every
time I had this attitude and did not listen to God, the decisions I made turned
out to be bad ones. It took a long time for me to listen more to God than to my
own mind. It is still a struggle to not want to follow my own mind and only follow
the mind of God. But it makes sense because I am a descendant of Eve, and I inherited
her sin of eating an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Even though Eve and Adam sinned, God still loved them. After
speaking to them, God made clothing for Adam and Eve and clothed them. I love
that God still had mercy for his creations and made proper clothes for them. I
count on God’s mercy when I sometimes I disobey him. No matter how much trouble
I get myself in, God will always show mercy to me and clothe me in his love.