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Monday, February 14, 2005

So I've been a good couch potato and spent the last two Sundays at home being such a lazy girl, but this is a good thing. I haven't felt comfortable in my own place for a long time and definitely could not write there, which has been such a drag since I need to be able to write at home. Hopefully that's all changed now since last night I finally felt comfortable being at home for the first time in ages.

I think if I just move my computer to where my work computer used to be and get a new lamp, I'll be good to go. And when I get my new laptop which will be in a month, I'll put my laptop where my computer is now and have two places where I can write in my apartment.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

It was the start of Chinese New Year's yesterday and it's the year of the rooster, so how weird was it when I walked out of the shower this morning and heard a rooster crowing. I'm like, did one of the neighbours buy a rooster for the new year or was that noise coming from the television? The weather report was on so I don't think it was coming from my tv, and the rooster crowed only once and it was already daylight.

So I'm like what is this supposed to mean? Is it like a good sign or what? Hearing the rooster crow reminded me of growing up because one of the neighbours kept chickens and roosters and I could hear them crowing every morning at the crack of dawn. I've been living at my place for almost two years and this was the first time I heard a rooster making a noise. Very very strange ...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

There probably aren't very many people weeping, but I'm saddened by Carly Fiorina's resignation from HP. Fiorina has always been a sort of role model for my corporate self. The crusty old HP board booted her out. If she was smart she built herself a grand old golden parachute to make her leaving very soft and cushy. I wonder how much they offered her to take a hike?

I still remember when she first got hired and she was scrutinized by the media up and down and all over, from her choice of husband to her hairstyle to her clothes. If she had been a man, the media would have kept the coverage about business and would never have made a comment about the man's choice of wife.

Thank goodness Oprah is still going strong and earning a ton of money.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I know the network wanted to play it safe and all with the music and even though I like Paul McCartney and everything, I couldn't help but think that I was watching teh "Geriatric Music Super Bowl". OY! I'm so bad, but god was that music old and dated. Okay, maybe not the Black Eyed Peas but everything else, come on! They even had had John Fogerty on. I felt like I was watching the modern version of The Lawrence Welk Show. So, so, very, very scary....

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Well, my personal life may be depressing me as heck but my work life is looking a lot better. One of my bosses just assigned me back to an old project that I was working on when I first started, and I told him I needed training. He didn't bat an eye and said okay. So now I'll get either Business Objects or Crystal database training or hopefully both. Maybe even SAS if I'm lucky. I love learning skills like these that I can stick on my resume.

I'm excited because the doctor that I worked with last year specifically requested me saying I had good positive energy and was great to work with. She said this to my boss and I'm hoping this will help when it comes to my boss figuring out my merit raise.

Plus, what I'm really excited about is I'll be learning new things because the earlier project has springboarded into another new project and will probably generate future projects in years to come. And it's a cutting edge project in my business and that's always a fun, fun thing.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Maybe it's not just me, but everyone at work is saying that this week has been really hard and it's only Wednesday. Everyone here is in such a bad, bad mood.

Lots of people out with the flu, and thank god I've got zero symptoms.

Blogger is slow today ... guess the people at Google are too busy celebrating their great stock results to mind the servers.
Apologies for not writing. I had the worst dream on Sunday morning. I dreamt a friend of mine was dying and he was calling out to me to save him. It was so real and creepy, and it's put me in a blue mood that I can't seem to get out of. I've lost touch with this person, and have no idea how to get a hold of him to find out if he's okay.

I guess I'm spooked because I've three friends die in the last four years, and I was thinking a little about two of them before I heard the news of their demise.

I can't write, and I'm basically just holding on hoping to get through the day and then I go home and lie in bed all night. I felt like I was on the edge of a void, some kind of abyss on Monday night, and by Tuesday morning it felt like I had fallen in. Wednesday morning I woke up feeling like I was still hurtling down the hole like Alice from "Alice in Wonderland".

My intuition tells me to expect shocks, upheavals, and seeds of karma that must and will be harvested. I wish I could turn my intuition off because it's been so wrong before. And of course, my anxiety is going through the roof big time. It's not as bad as it's been in the past, but it's getting up there.

I wish I knew what was going on or how to dig myself out of this blue funk I'm in.

I was suppose to finish Chapter 11 of my Texas novel this weekend, which was one of my writing goals for the month, but it's only half written. I did manage to finish Chapter 10 of the Texas novel and then finish chapter 2 of my "Changing Timelines" novel. Still, it would have been nice to say I wrote three chapters in a month because it would have been a bang up way to start the new year.