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Thursday, February 10, 2005

It was the start of Chinese New Year's yesterday and it's the year of the rooster, so how weird was it when I walked out of the shower this morning and heard a rooster crowing. I'm like, did one of the neighbours buy a rooster for the new year or was that noise coming from the television? The weather report was on so I don't think it was coming from my tv, and the rooster crowed only once and it was already daylight.

So I'm like what is this supposed to mean? Is it like a good sign or what? Hearing the rooster crow reminded me of growing up because one of the neighbours kept chickens and roosters and I could hear them crowing every morning at the crack of dawn. I've been living at my place for almost two years and this was the first time I heard a rooster making a noise. Very very strange ...

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