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Thursday, March 25, 2004

I hate that I feel like such a loser at work. I think this feeling stems from the fact that I'm contracting, and not a permanent hire. I've got meetings scheduled through the week of April 5, and then if the job doesn't work out I'm gone the next week.

My bosses keep acting like I'll be there forever because I'm schedule to be on a project team that ends May 31. Then my big boss today told me I have to replicate this study that was done in the fall of last year. I can see that study taking at least three weeks to complete. Then there's training I'm supposed to have to use some software tool they bought for $200K. And then we had a meeting today about some work that's supposed to start in July.

I hate that everyone is treating me like I'm a full time employee, when I'm actually not. I was in a meeting on Wednesday when one of my bosses announced that some person on his floor quit after three days. He said it was a mutual decision.

I feel like quitting my every day, but I know I can't because I need income to live. I just feel so overwhelmed 90% of the time. My big boss is tossing my name around in meetings, and volunteering for me to do all these projects.

Remeber that analysis that I made a little mistake on yesterday? I received an email this afternoon saying that the VP I sent it it was forwarding my analysis to another VP for his input and review. And I'm like great ... more people to notice that the titles of the chart aren't quite right.

I found out this morning that another file I sent to the VP last night was missing some information that I thought the IT guy had sent. I should have checked it more thoroughly before I sent it off, but I thought the IT guy was going to just replicate what he had sent me before and that dataset was perfect.

I really need to double check my work and slow down. I feel such pressue to perform and perform well. And I don't perform well under pressure at all, as you've no doubt noticed.

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