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Thursday, February 24, 2005

You know the US economy is in bad shape when Thomas Friedman of the NY Times writes in his column about the dollar falling.

North South Korea's Central Bank is diversifying out of the dollar, which will probably have a domino effect through Southeast Asia. Once China decouples its currency from the dollar, it will be a wild ride on the markets. Sadam Hussein tried to do it before Gulf War 2 when he wanted Iraqi oil payment in Euros instead of dollars, but since his demise no other Arab country has followed suit.

Oil is heading up to $50 a barrel and expected to go to $60 by Spring, and my energy mutual fund is up $4 since I bought shares in December. Of course my nasdaq stock is tanking, but that's why I bought into an energy mutual fund to offset any losses that are bound to be expected when oil prices go up.

Noah's Bagels raised their prices and so did the cafeteria in my building. I would expect consumer prices to spike up in relation to how gas and oil prices rise. Is it any wonder no one is shopping? Once people stop shopping, prices will drop. I hear GMC has already lowered the price of their cars and trucks to get business going. Of course, they manufacture nothing but gas guzzling cars and trucks so I don't think their discounting will help their bottom line much.

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