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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Day 345 Bible Reading

I don’t have a specific bible passage today that struck me today, so I want to write about the Book of Esther since we started reading it today. There is no mention of God or God’s covenant in the Book of Esther, but it seems clear from the reading that the characters in the book never forgot about the Covenant God made with Moses and his people. Even though the characters in this story have been in exile from Jerusalem, they have held on to their faith and the expectation that God is watching over them and will rescue his people from harm.

Their faith is strong, and I envy their unwavering faith in God’s protection over their lives. The Book of Esther reminds me that to truly have faith in God, one must always expect and depend on God’s intervention in our lives. The Book of Esther seems to be an example of people with true faith in God.

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