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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Day 358 Bible Reading

Psalm 147: 3 (ESV)

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

I was struck by line 3 from Psalm 147. I have many memories of being brokenhearted and feeling myself held in the palm of God’s hand. God was healing me and binding up my emotional wounds. Sometimes I don’t even know I am brokenhearted, and then I feel myself being held the palm of God’s hand, and I realize that I have been hurt but God has bore the brunt of it because I am safe and protected by him. I felt safe and secure in God’s hands when my mother died, and this feeling lasted for months as my sadness at my mother’s passing was so severe. I often wondered during those months how people bore such grief without a God. That time of grief was so unbearable, and only confidently knowing I was in palm of God’s hand, was I able to survive that period in my life. I also wondered after that, how often God had held me in the palm of hand during my other times of grief. I am sure God did protect me during those times, but my faith was weak, and I rarely acknowledged God’s presence in my life in my youth. But with my stronger faith, I can now openly acknowledge to myself and the world that I feel very privileged and proud that God does hold me in the palm of his hands when I need to be held.

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