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Monday, February 05, 2024

Day 34 Bible Reading

Job 28-30, Matthew 22, Psalm 18: 25-36

Psalm 18: 28 (ESV)

“For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness.”

I love Bible verses such Verse 28 from Psalm 18 that talk about God being a light in the darkness. When I am in a dark space of fear, hopelessness, abandonment, or even confusion, I look to God to help me find my way out of the darkness. And even when I am feeling so lost that I forget sometimes that I have a relationship with Christ, it is he who reaches out to me to let me know that I need to call out to him, to reach for the light, and that light will help me find a way out of the darkness. I had a bad dream a few months ago where I was in a dark hall, and I kept calling out for someone to turn on the light so I could see and not feel afraid. In the dream. Eventually someone turned on the light and I felt the fear leave me immediately, and I woke up. In the dream I didn’t see who was it that turned on the light, but as I was thinking about what happened in the dream I realized that it was Christ who did it. Christ will always be the one to turn on the light in the darkness, and no one else, but Christ.

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