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Monday, September 13, 2004

I started keeping a journal just for writing, where I write to myself about what I'm working on. John Steinbeck kept one, as well as other famous writers.

So I was writing an entry this morning on my commute to work, when I figured something I didn't know about my own writing process. I need to keep writing, even if it's not on the project I want to write about. I think I got kind of stuck on wanting to only work on one project at at time, which is so not the way I normally work on projects at work. At work I have to work on several projects at a time, doing a little bit here and there to keep up with my deadlines.

I have to adapt my job working style to my writing style, so I don't have to invent a new way of working for myself. Sounds so simple doesn't it, but I so did not get this before. And I need to take into account that I have a short attention span with everything, and only do well with short term projects or long term projects broken into short term projects.

If I'm always writing, I'll have a backlog of projects that need typing up or editing. So when I'm in a phase like I am where I can't write anything new down, I can keep up with my writing because I'll always have work that needs typing up or editing. So I won't feel guilty for not writing because I'll always be working on a project related to my writing.

I think this is a brilliant insight, and something I wish I'd gotten five years ago. But oh well. Better late than never, I suppose.

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