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Thursday, September 09, 2004

I've been in such an insecure dour mood lately. I hate when that happens. Poor red-haired guy, I'm sure he's like not happy with me. But today I feel much happier.

A friend and I are jetting down to LA the first weekend in November to attend the Creative Screenwriting 3-day expo. I'm excited. Three days of screenwriting classes with everything from character development, dialogue to marketing. And my friend says there are parties afterwards, and we're going to stay in the hotel where all the parties are at so we can stumble back up to our room at 1 am. My friend says she partied every night and blew off her 8 am classes, so she warned me about taking early classes.

I'm bad because the thought that keeps running through my head is "I'll meet guys, writing guys, maybe an editor/writing guy which is like my total fantasy life partner." I'm pretty darn sure red-headed guy will probably still be in life come November, but can't a girl still dream? Red-headed guy is great, but he's not a writer. I've been meaning to ask him if he wouldn't mind reading some of my stuff so I could get his feedback, but I don't know if I want to go down that road yet.

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