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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Sometimes even good things must come to an end, especially when they stop becoming fun. So red-haired guy and I are over ... big surprise. He was such a rush, but with every good rush comes a downer.

After that first boredom level, combined with his lack of communication and busy schedule, I decided that bowing out was better. Perhaps he decided this as well, and took the easy way out. Last weekend, all my girlfriends told me stories about guys who they dumped after all the attention stopped. It was like a national epidemic, and I guess I was a statistic.

But we did have fun, and it was a rush and we got some loving in, but now it's time to come back to the real world. I'm having a ton of anxiety about it all. Breaking off a relationship no matter how short is so anxiety producing. It's been such a weird weekend.

But maybe it was all worth it, because now I'm in such a mood to write. Gotta love a guy who puts me in the mood to write. I still really like the red-haired guy, but our dating styles just don't match. As someone once wrote, "you should be in a love relationship with someone whose addictive programming, whose issues you can live with". I think this statement is true, and I just couldn't live with red-haired guy's issues. I still love him, but he's just not dating material.

Not really sure if he's even story material yet except for our first meeting, but maybe that needs time to percolate. What a rush that boy was! A fun rush, but rushes just can't last, can they?

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